Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Top Five Wireless Home Security Devices

Wireless technology is the wave of the future and that wave is here now.
In home security there are many new products that show off this technology.
Here we are going to discuss some of them.
But first why do you need any help in the first place protecting your home? -- A home burglary happens every 15 seconds.
-- Nearly one third of all burglaries are by unlawful entry through an unlocked door or window.
-- The value of goods stolen in burglaries is on average $1600.
-- Police tell us that 90% of all burglaries can be prevented.
It is all about the money and as long as people are unemployed and have a criminal bent there will be home burglaries and home invasions-just a fact.
So time to face reality and get some help protecting your most valuable asset.
Here are some great ideas.
Wireless Security Cameras.
They are not nearly as expensive or hard to operate as they used to be.
Many of them have the capability of being viewed over the internet so you can watch your home while at work for example.
They are easy to hook up too.
Wireless Home Security System.
Using a wireless window/door sensor and wireless motion sensor if motion is detected an alarm sounds and up to 5 phone numbers you select are called until one answers.
Window and door alarms.
These home security devices are inexpensive as can be and are very effective.
When activated they set off an alarm.
Voice Alert System.
This system uses remote wireless passive infrared motion detectors to announce the presence of anyone in the protected area.
Capable of covering huge areas at a reasonable cost.
Barking Dog Alarm.
Perhaps the most effective home burglary deterrent is the sound of a barking dog.
This great product uses that sound to protect an area up to 22 feet away in a 120 degree field of view.
Just plug it in and you are good to go.
Remember that most burglars are rank amateurs and are in it only for the money.
Any resistance in the form of noise, light, or time delay in getting in the house will cause them to go elsewhere.
Take some action today and get some wireless home security devices to protect your home.
A few dollars of prevention will go a long way to keeping your home secure and preventing thousands from being stolen.

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