Family & Relationships

What is Colic, and is Baby Massage the Answer for Frazzled Moms?

Colic is one of those mystifying medical conditions that affect infants. It has no real satisfying scientific definition. A baby is diagnosed with colic if they scream continually; for even up to 3 hours at a time. The infant pulls its knees to the tummy in hope of some relief, and repeats this behaviour many times per week.

In this condition babies are inconsolable and demonstrate symptoms of excruciating pain and much distress. When a mom is literally at her wits end and feeling useless, the infant's episode may suddenly stop, only to re-appear the same on the following day. This ritual dance with colic can go on for as long as 3 months, but for the parents it can seem like an eternity.

Frazzled moms who are unable to bond with their infants because of these episodes become emotional, depressed and are likely candidates for postpartum depression. Another inexplicable condition, postpartum depression seems to involve hormonal and non-hormonal factors. A mother may develop postpartum depression for days and months, and even up to a year after the birth of her child.

The combination of a colicky baby and a depressed mom is not the best situation for bonding to occur, as mother and baby can each pick up on the other's anguish. The mother of this baby needs to appreciate the baby more during the times when the baby is not suffering, and this will help with bonding, and the baby will relate the times of peace and happiness with the affection of the mother. If the mother tries to keep positive and not become anxious or fretful during colicky periods the baby will not pick up on these negative energies and will be less distressed.

Cradling and rocking a colicky baby has been known to work occasionally, but not consistently. Another therapy has now come into popularity; baby massage is now being recommended as the answer to the dilemma of mothers in this situation, soothing and relieving the cause of a baby's pain.

What Medical Science Believe Colic is

Why would baby massage work with the problem of colic and is the technique an exact science?

The dominating theory used to define colic is that it is a condition that affects new-borns and is caused by trapped gases. Physicians believe that infants with colic suffer from poorly developed intestines, thought to be a kinked, which render the passing of gas difficult.

Baby massage, which is a specific skill that incorporates stroking techniques of Swedish and Indian cultures is thought to work on colic because it removes trapped gas through the intestines and provides instant relief. Baby massage use specific stroking actions to produce a particular result and is said to be methodical and practical approach to the alleviation of this condition.

The Journal of Developmental and Behavioural Paediatrics reported that massage therapy was generally associated with improved clinical outcomes, less anxiety levels and stress hormones in infants.

Another study found that the outcome of a massage was on the same level as that of a €crib vibrator device,€ hence stimulating and relaxing.

Baby massage technique

An example of one of the methods used to relieve colic is outlined in 3 main steps:

Step 1: Baby is massaged all over in oil with smooth manipulations. The therapist starts at the shoulders then massages downwards toward the ribcage. The baby's knees are then bent toward the tummy and moved in a walking motion.

Step 2: The legs are then massaged thoroughly.

Step 3: The therapist encircles the infant's belly in a clockwise motion, tenderly pressing around it to aid digestion.

The full technique and required frequency should be discussed with a physician or qualified massage therapist.

Baby massage has enjoyed some renewed attention, returning it to the spotlight to save the day with inexplicable conditions such as colic, now seemingly solvable. The benefits of learning the technique are invaluable, and will provide the best possible outcome for parent and child. Colic is only one of numerous benefits to the baby as well as strengthening the bonding. Learning to massage your baby is highly recommended, to provide good overall general health, immune strength, co-ordination, and re-align the body from any changes due to the birth itself.

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