Business & Finance Corporations

Tough Love Questions To Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Home Based Business

Everyone loves positive pats on the back for trying.
The "you can do it" pep talk can be tremendously helpful.
If we're lucky, we get to hear encouraging words a lot throughout childhood from parents, teachers and other important figures in our lives.
As adults, we have to learn to replay the tapes of these pep talks back to ourselves.
If you are considering 'flying solo' in your own home based business,you must generate these thoughts for yourself.
Do you have what it takes? Before you start looking for the right business opportunity, before you wonder about who to mentor with, before you think of the perfect name for your new business, you must first ask yourself some "Tough Love" questions.
Your answers to these questions will be very revealing.
Since you are the linchpin of responsibility for your business, knowing the answers to these questions can help you make some 'tough love' changes if needed.
Skipping out on this 'tough love' session is going to come back and bite you later.
You will either find powerful validation or learn what you need to do to make the changes you need to be successful.
It is a no-lose proposition.
Here are your Tough Love Questions: 1) I loveto do things by myself.
2) I work better by myself.
3) I don't trust anyone to do the job the first time as well I would myself.
4) I can learn the skills I need if I don't have them already.
5) I am smart enough to conquer any learning curve.
6) It's scary to do something the first time.
But I like the challenge of it.
7) I may be uncomfortable asking questions but I know the value of asking.
It's OK to admit not knowing something as long as I make the efforts to find out.
8) I'm a hard worker especially when I'm my own boss.
9) Even though I work hard, I know when to take a break.
10)When I want to do something badly enough, Imake it happen.
If you possess the personal 'tool box' of a true entrepreneur, you will answer a resounding "YES!" to every statement on the list.
If you don't seeyourself in these statements, you will not be happy starting a solo home business.
Either look for the right individuals to partner with or consider other business options.
Now that you're secure that you have the entrepreneurial fire burning within you, you cantake the steps to properly plan your new home-based enterprise.
Commit to including education.
Establish a workable schedule to accommodate the various demands on your life, both work and personal.
Your self-discipline is a major asset to your start-up success.
When you're truly committed, you do what it takes.
Confronting the 'Tough Love Questions' about starting your home-based business will tell you, in no uncertain terms,whether this is the right career path to pursue.
Are you tough enough?

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