"Why can't I have my Rice?"

This article will try to find the answer to know why rice is termed ‘unhealthy' and what ‘Arise' has to offer to the diabetics and the diet conscious.
Does rice make me fat? Should Diabetics avoid it completely?
Rice, generally consumed as white rice, is high in carbohydrates, has little fiber and very few vitamins. There are three factors that make it bad for those who are trying to lose weight.
- Firstly it has a high Glycemic Index (GI), the higher the number is, easier it is for the body to digest it. Since rice is mostly carbohydrates, it is quickly broken down in glucose and the sudden surge of glucose in the body stimulates the body to release insulin which gives the body instant energy followed by a stage of feeling of hungry again. For those with Diabetes this sudden increase in levels of glucose in the blood is not good. It leads to weight gain as rice does not stay in the stomach for long and leave you feeling hungry again.
- The second factor is that Rice contains more calories 361 calories per 100 grams and the quantity that we Indians prefer (large heaps) makes sure that we consume a high calorie meal.
- The third factor is simply that white rice contains loads of calories and carbohydrates but falls short in fiber and other nutrients that make it more nutritious. So unless we eat the brown rice variety that is high in fiber as well as other nutrients like niacin, thiamin, calcium, potassium and protein, there is not much nutritional value in rice.
These three factors make Rice bad for those who are trying to lose weight and make it a taboo for those with Diabetes.
Does Rice make me lethargic?
Foods that have high Glycemic index shoot up the glucose levels in the blood which also increases levels of amino acid –tryptophan which is used by the brain to make serotonin or sleep inducing agent. Since Rice has high GI, it makes you feel lethargic and sleepy.
The Healthier Rice options

It has medium glycemic index compared to the regular rice which means that it is digested slowly in the stomach hence fills for a long time. The calories obtained from basmati are lower because it swells more in water hence you eat the regular amount yet get lesser calories from it.

It is found that parboiled rice has 80% of the same nutrients as found in brown rice. Parboiled rice is not easily accepted because it tastes different than the regular rice and the yellowish tinge that parboiled rice has but with time, the taste buds get used to it.

The problem with Brown rice, again, is the acceptability. There is a vast difference between the taste of brown rice and white rice, so is the difference in appearance as well as time of cooking (it takes about 40-60 minutes to cook). You need to acquire a taste for brown rice and use different way of cooking to make it more palatable; for example soaking the rice overnight before cooking and masking the taste of brown rice with more sauces and stronger flavor works.
What about Saffola's Arise?
With the numbers presented by the company, Arise seems to be a good bet for those who love rice yet don't want the calories with it. While most of the nutritionists we spoke to hadn't tried Arise, they gave us their opinions based on the numbers shown by the company.
Dr. Shweta Iyengar, Nutritionist says that "I cannot say if arise is better than normal rice, it seems to be better nutritionally but I am not sure whether it can give the same feeling of satisfaction that rice gives that is mainly due to the release of sugar in the blood."
Dr. Sweety Das, Nutritionist from DENMARC (Diabetes Endocrine Nutrition Management Research Centre) says that "We do recommend Arise to our Diabetes patients as low GI rice is highly beneficial for them and for those who cannot do away with rice, Arise is a good alternative."
Naini Setalvad, a well known nutritionist from Mumbai endorses Arise and says Arise has changed the way rice is perceived, "As Arise is lower GI Rice, it gets digested slowly and releases glucose steadily thereby keeping you fuller for a longer time. Further as the glucose releases steadily, it won't make you feel lethargic or lazy after eating, also as one bowl of cooked Saffola's Arise has up to 20% less calories than regular rice varieties. Hence for a similar serve size of rice you eat lesser quantity and in turn lesser calories."
If the claims that Arise is making are indeed true, then it solves the rice woes of all those who did not want the calories and the carbohydrates that rice brings with it. To Know more about "Why can't I have my Rice?"