How to Clean Mold From a Flute
- 1). Examine the flute for mold or mildew. Disassemble the flute and removed the cork, then shine a flashlight into the flute body. Look for a crust on the walls of the flute.
- 2). Prepare a mixture of one part mouthwash and 50 parts witch hazel solution. The experts at the Louisiana Native American Flute Circle recommend that this will kill any mold or mildew growing in the flute. Pour the solution through the body of the flute, then let the flute dry completely.
- 3). Wipe the cork with a solution if any mold is present. If there is no mold on the cork, do not use the solution on it.
- 4). Pull an oiled cloth through the body of the flute to loosen and remove any residual mold. Terry McGee, Flute Maker recommends clarinet bore oil. This will also seal and protect the inside of the flute from damage from the alcohol.
- 5). Grease the cork before reassembling the flute. The experts at the Flute Site state that this will prevent the cork from drying out and cracking, and will also prevent mold from growing.
- 6). Use a cleaning rod and a soft cleaning cloth to remove any moisture in the flute after playing. Attach a cloth to the cleaning round then running it through the whole flute; this prevents moisture from building up in the flute and causing the mold to return.