Law of Attraction - What It Is and How to Apply It on Our Daily Life
Everyone seems to be talking about the law of attraction and manifestation these days, especially after the release of the hit movie "Secret.
" Yes, it is so popular that even I own a copy (note that I am not a movie enthusiast).
Some of us watched the movie and delve further, and some just say " Ah! It's just impossible!" and forget about it.
We Are The Universe So, what is the law of attraction? Simply put, it is the realization and understanding of the relationship between us and the Universe and learning to connect ourselves in order to manifest our desires.
The Universe is abundance.
We are the 'miniature Universe' within this greater entity.
In other words, we are the Universe.
It may seem like a difficult concept but it makes a lot of sense once we understand it.
From the teaching of Abraham, "You and that which you call Source are the same.
You cannot be separated from Source.
When we think of you, we think of Source.
When we think of Source, we think of you.
Source never offers a thought that causes separation from you.
" The Universe is the Source, we are too.
That is why we are governed by the laws of the Universe, including the Law of Attraction.
The Universe is Love, is Peace, is Happiness, is Well-being.
And we are too.
When I read the book, "Manifest Your Desire" by Esther and Jerry Hicks, I was very inspired.
The teaching of law of attraction and manifestation not only reinforce what I had already learned from the Buddha (which somehow has some similarity), but makes me realize that all the great teachers of life are basically saying the same thing-- we are born to be happy.
There are various channels --meditation, affirmation, healing methods of all sort--that can help us achieve enlightenment, happiness and well-being.
Old Believes, Law of Attraction and Manifestation Many of us were made to believe since childhood that things are impossible.
It is impossible to love, to have peace, to be happy, because people are selfish, violent, and the world is miserable.
Also, money is hard earn and we do not deserve anything unless we work hard at it and a lot of time, we need LUCK! Sounds familiar? Yes, because these are what our parents had told us.
This cycle will go on, if we are going to tell our children the same thing.
To totally change that belief, we have to understand that every of our thought vibrates, it radiates a signal, and attracts a matching signal back.
As the teaching of Abraham says, "That which is like unto itself, is drawn.
" In order words, whatever we are giving our attention to, emit a vibrational frequency and the vibrations that we offer equal our asking.
Like I mentioned before, the Universe is abundance and it is always fully available to us.
Well-being is constantly extended to us as long as we are in the state of allowing it.
If we understand this teaching of law of attraction and manifestation, we are half way there.
But first of all, we need help to transform our old, hard to get rid, deeply embedded believes.
This can be achieved by practicing affirmations.
Powerful Affirmations Our Being, every thought and idea, every thing, is vibrational.
When we focus our attention on something, even for a short period of time, the vibration of our Being begins to reflect the vibration of whatever we are giving our attention to.
The more we think about it, the more of that will be attracted to us.
That focus in attraction will continue to increase until a different vibration is offered.
Things that match our vibrations are drawn to us, by us.
We are what we think we are.
Too often we hear ourselves saying, "I am not worth it.
I do not deserve higher pay, I do not deserve to have a great lover, great children, because I am useless.
I do not know how to handle myself.
I am not beautiful.
I am lost.
" When you are in this kind of deep doubt, read this teaching, "Absolute alignment with your own Source of Energy means that you know the following: • You are free • You are powerful • You are love • You have value • You have purpose • ALL IS WELL.
" ALL IS WELL!! How powerful it is! I was so touched by these words that I find myself reciting them when I am anxious and worried.
Every time we appreciate and praise, every time we feel good about something, we are telling the Universe, More of this, please.
All good things will flow to us if we are mostly in a state of appreciation.
Trust the Universe, that means to trust yourself, that the universe is Love and you are Love.
Everything is well because you are surrounded by the Love energy.
Do not think of what if, in the teaching of law of attraction and manifestation, there is no what if, but only Well-Being, and it is happening NOW! Healing Your Body with Law of Attraction The teaching says, "There is no Source of evil or Source of sickness or lack.
You may allow or you may resist Well-Being--but everything that happen to you is all your own doing.
" We can not avoid being sick.
But it is natural for our body to be well.
To allow healing, our goal is to be as comfortable as possible, to relax and to breath as deeply as we can.
Very likely we begin to feel soft and gentle sensations in our body.
Smile, and acknowledge that this is the Universe specifically answering our cellular request.
Once we are feeling the healing process, do nothing to try to help it or intensify it.
Just relax and breath, and allow it.
Summary In conclusion, we are responsible for our lives.
Never blame others for who we are.
In the teaching of law of attraction and manifestation, we have the power to change our lives and our environment.
Self-love and appreciation of ourselves and others are the closest vibrational match to energy of the Universe.
These qualities are the most important aspects we could ever nurture.
So, let's put our hands together and meditate for a few seconds, with the guidance from the Law of Attraction that there is Love, Peace, Joy, Trust in this world and its people.
"If everyone on your planet were connected to their own Source Energy, there would be no assaults, for there would be no jealousy, insecurity, or uncomfortable feelings of competition.
If everyone understood the power of their own Being, they would not seek to control others.
Any feelings of insecurity and hatred are born from your disconnection with who-you-are.
Your connection with Well-Being would bring on Well-Being.
"~From The Teaching of Abraham
" Yes, it is so popular that even I own a copy (note that I am not a movie enthusiast).
Some of us watched the movie and delve further, and some just say " Ah! It's just impossible!" and forget about it.
We Are The Universe So, what is the law of attraction? Simply put, it is the realization and understanding of the relationship between us and the Universe and learning to connect ourselves in order to manifest our desires.
The Universe is abundance.
We are the 'miniature Universe' within this greater entity.
In other words, we are the Universe.
It may seem like a difficult concept but it makes a lot of sense once we understand it.
From the teaching of Abraham, "You and that which you call Source are the same.
You cannot be separated from Source.
When we think of you, we think of Source.
When we think of Source, we think of you.
Source never offers a thought that causes separation from you.
" The Universe is the Source, we are too.
That is why we are governed by the laws of the Universe, including the Law of Attraction.
The Universe is Love, is Peace, is Happiness, is Well-being.
And we are too.
When I read the book, "Manifest Your Desire" by Esther and Jerry Hicks, I was very inspired.
The teaching of law of attraction and manifestation not only reinforce what I had already learned from the Buddha (which somehow has some similarity), but makes me realize that all the great teachers of life are basically saying the same thing-- we are born to be happy.
There are various channels --meditation, affirmation, healing methods of all sort--that can help us achieve enlightenment, happiness and well-being.
Old Believes, Law of Attraction and Manifestation Many of us were made to believe since childhood that things are impossible.
It is impossible to love, to have peace, to be happy, because people are selfish, violent, and the world is miserable.
Also, money is hard earn and we do not deserve anything unless we work hard at it and a lot of time, we need LUCK! Sounds familiar? Yes, because these are what our parents had told us.
This cycle will go on, if we are going to tell our children the same thing.
To totally change that belief, we have to understand that every of our thought vibrates, it radiates a signal, and attracts a matching signal back.
As the teaching of Abraham says, "That which is like unto itself, is drawn.
" In order words, whatever we are giving our attention to, emit a vibrational frequency and the vibrations that we offer equal our asking.
Like I mentioned before, the Universe is abundance and it is always fully available to us.
Well-being is constantly extended to us as long as we are in the state of allowing it.
If we understand this teaching of law of attraction and manifestation, we are half way there.
But first of all, we need help to transform our old, hard to get rid, deeply embedded believes.
This can be achieved by practicing affirmations.
Powerful Affirmations Our Being, every thought and idea, every thing, is vibrational.
When we focus our attention on something, even for a short period of time, the vibration of our Being begins to reflect the vibration of whatever we are giving our attention to.
The more we think about it, the more of that will be attracted to us.
That focus in attraction will continue to increase until a different vibration is offered.
Things that match our vibrations are drawn to us, by us.
We are what we think we are.
Too often we hear ourselves saying, "I am not worth it.
I do not deserve higher pay, I do not deserve to have a great lover, great children, because I am useless.
I do not know how to handle myself.
I am not beautiful.
I am lost.
" When you are in this kind of deep doubt, read this teaching, "Absolute alignment with your own Source of Energy means that you know the following: • You are free • You are powerful • You are love • You have value • You have purpose • ALL IS WELL.
" ALL IS WELL!! How powerful it is! I was so touched by these words that I find myself reciting them when I am anxious and worried.
Every time we appreciate and praise, every time we feel good about something, we are telling the Universe, More of this, please.
All good things will flow to us if we are mostly in a state of appreciation.
Trust the Universe, that means to trust yourself, that the universe is Love and you are Love.
Everything is well because you are surrounded by the Love energy.
Do not think of what if, in the teaching of law of attraction and manifestation, there is no what if, but only Well-Being, and it is happening NOW! Healing Your Body with Law of Attraction The teaching says, "There is no Source of evil or Source of sickness or lack.
You may allow or you may resist Well-Being--but everything that happen to you is all your own doing.
" We can not avoid being sick.
But it is natural for our body to be well.
To allow healing, our goal is to be as comfortable as possible, to relax and to breath as deeply as we can.
Very likely we begin to feel soft and gentle sensations in our body.
Smile, and acknowledge that this is the Universe specifically answering our cellular request.
Once we are feeling the healing process, do nothing to try to help it or intensify it.
Just relax and breath, and allow it.
Summary In conclusion, we are responsible for our lives.
Never blame others for who we are.
In the teaching of law of attraction and manifestation, we have the power to change our lives and our environment.
Self-love and appreciation of ourselves and others are the closest vibrational match to energy of the Universe.
These qualities are the most important aspects we could ever nurture.
So, let's put our hands together and meditate for a few seconds, with the guidance from the Law of Attraction that there is Love, Peace, Joy, Trust in this world and its people.
"If everyone on your planet were connected to their own Source Energy, there would be no assaults, for there would be no jealousy, insecurity, or uncomfortable feelings of competition.
If everyone understood the power of their own Being, they would not seek to control others.
Any feelings of insecurity and hatred are born from your disconnection with who-you-are.
Your connection with Well-Being would bring on Well-Being.
"~From The Teaching of Abraham