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Last Supper Crafts for Kids

    Bread of Life Keychain

    • Using off-white craft foam, have the students cut out two bread-shaped pieces approximately two-inches square. If they prefer, use tan craft foam to cut out two small rectangular loaves of bread. Using an awl or a sharp paper punch, punch a hole on the top of each piece of foam. Using permanent markers, decorate one of the pieces of foam to look like bread. On the other piece of foam, print the words "Jesus is the Bread of Life." String keychain loops, purchased at a craft store, through the holes in the two pieces of craft foam.

    Stained Glass Window

    • Creating stained glass windows makes a colorful remembrance of the Last Supper. Have students draw a cup, with a Eucharistic wafer at the top, on a piece of black construction paper, or create a template for them, then cut it out of the paper. Using blue construction paper cut out a window frame large enough to display the cup and wafer. The frames can be square, rectangular or arched. Using multiple colors of construction paper, cut out multiple shapes and glue them to the "window" to give it a stained glass look. Glue the cup and wafer as the top layer, in the center of the window.

    Pencil Cup

    • Using inexpensive plastic cups, students can make an object that will remind them of what Jesus did for humankind. Have students cut a strip of white card stock that will fit around the cup. On the strip, they should write as many things as they can think of that they are thankful to God for, interspersed with appropriate drawings. When complete, put enough tape on the back of the strip to hold it on the cup. Cut strips of clear contact paper and position them over the strip to hold it in place. Use the cups to hold pencils and pens.

    Bread Plate

    • Have children draw images from the last supper around the edge of foam or paper dinner plates. These images will vary depending on the student's artistic ability; you may want to have some outlines available for less artistic students. These images can include Jesus and the Disciples, the Eucharist cup and wafer, loaves of bread or anything for which they are thankful to God. Once the plates are complete, pass around small loaves of bread and either "break bread" together or cover them with plastic wrap for the students to take home.

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