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What Size of SD Card Does the Alcatel OT 800 Use?


    • At the time of publication, three types of SD cards are available: SD, high-capacity SD (SDHC) and extra-capacity (SDXC). Since the Alcatel OT-800 One Touch Tribe supports up to 4GB of expanded memory, you will only be able to use a microSD or microSDHC memory card in the phone. A standard microSD card offers up to 2GB of memory and a microSD card provides up to 32GB of memory. SDHC cards are available in different capacities, including 2GB and 4GB. They can be purchased from electronics and office supply retailers, such as Best Buy and Office Depot. SDXC memory cards provide 32GB to 2TB of memory, but they are not supported by the OT-800.


    • It's important to understand the differences between the SD card types and dimensions to make certain you purchase the right size of SD card for the Alcatel OT-800 One Touch Tribe. All SD memory cards of the same type are identical in size. Standard-sized SD cards are about the size of a postage stamp, measuring 0.9 inches wide, 1.3 inches long and 0.08 inches deep and weighing 0.07 ounces. MiniSD cards are about 37 percent the size of a standard-sized SD card, measuring 0.8 inches wide, 0.8 inches long and 0.06 inches deep and weighing 0.03 ounces. At 0.02 ounces, microSD cards are about as big as a fingernail, measuring 0.4 inches wide, 0.6 inches long and 0.04 inches deep.


    • All SD memory card types fall into two speed categories: Speed Class and Ultra-High Speed (UHS) Class. These terms refer to data transfer speeds in relation to video recording, which is offered by the Alcatel OT-800 One Touch Tribe. SC includes four designations -- Class 2, 4, 6 and 10 -- that depend on the type of bus interface used to record video: normal or high-speed. UHSC is designed for recording live broadcasts for large-scale, high-definition video. All types of SD cards work with the UHSC and SC interfaces, but only SDHC and SDXC are compatible with UHSC interfacing.


    • With the maximum amount of expanded memory installed, the Alcatel OT-800 One Touch Tribe supports a virtually unlimited amount of contacts with multiple phone numbers and photo and ringtone ID. Like most smartphones on the market, the OT-800 does not allow you to save apps to the microSD card, which is set aside for larger files, such as photo and video files. To maximize the phone's memory, periodically check the phone's content for unused or unwanted files and delete them.

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