Health & Medical Mental Health

What Is Mania And How To Recognise It

Mania is a mental health disorder characterised by highly elevated moods, with this mood state being present almost all of the time.
It can be associated with mood swings as well, where the sufferer will go through an extremely happy mood phase and then change their outlook and suffer with a very low depressive mood.
People suffering with mania can seem happy and joyful and friends or family may see them as being so and therefore not recognise that they are actually suffering with a mental health disorder and that they need help and treatment from a professional.
People suffering with mania often lose their judgement or common sense and because of this will end up making wrong decisions which could be detrimental to their health and wellbeing.
If questioned about a decision they may get irritable and deny there is anything wrong with them or with what they are doing.
Symptoms which may help to recognise when someone is suffering with mania:
  • Hyperactivity - don't feel the need for sleep, this may also manifest in being over the top with things such as religion or even their sexual lives
  • Ideas beyond his or hers means - big plans for a project which is beyond them physically or financially
  • Very talkative - talking non stop, hardly stopping to catch a breath
  • Spending on unnecessary items - maybe running a credit card bill on things they don't really need
  • Taking risks in personal relationships - not being careful about who they might meet or bring back to their home
  • Being very vocal during a disagreement - often turning little things into a violent argument
  • Unable to concentrate - the sufferer finds it very difficult to concentrate on one thing as their mind is fast forwarding to the next thing that is happening or planning what's happening days ahead
These are some of the symptoms to look out for and if you do recognise a family member or friend acting in theses ways then it is important to get them to seek help urgently with the first port of call being their family doctor.
Once diagnosed correctly mania can be treated with medication and or talking therapy.
In most cases medication will be with one of the newer antipsychotic medications or maybe a mood stabiliser.
A person susceptible to repeated cases of mania may need to keep taking the medications long term to keep it under control whilst others may just need a short course of medication or a course of therapy, it will depend on the severity of the condition.
Andrew Tudor Jones

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