Health & Medical Nutrition

Alkaline Your Way To Xtreme Health

Have you ever heard of the term Money is Energy or everything is Energy? Energy comes from many places such as emotional uplift, adrenaline, Biological processes at the cellular level, but at the core it is the state of someone's Acid-Alkaline balance.
There are some individuals who seem to be genetically alkaline.
You know those people that are endless chatter boxes, who seem to be able to drink 12 martinis and large portions of rich fatty foods and can still survive on 5 hours sleep.
There are also even more people who are genetically acidic and seem to always be carrying around a bottle of Tums.
Everything seems to bother there stomachs especially citrus drinks made with high fructose corn syrup, alcohol, coffee, large meals with red meat (you know the 28oz porterhouse).
The good news for someone who tends to be more acidic is you can help the body bring up your ph level with the proper diet.
The bad news for high alkaline individuals is although they may be peak performers for many years and enjoy extremely high energy, they also tend to be very prone to heart attacks at young ages since they tend to eat a very acidic diet that overloads the blood vessels around the heart.
The Acid-Alkaline balance is also known as the Bodies PH level.
Your blood is constantly trying to maintain a PH of 7.
Do you remember chemistry class when you stuck that piece of litmus paper in the different liquids? A PH of 7.
0 is neutral.
A Ph above 7.
0 is Alkaline and a PH below 7.
0 is acidic.
Coffee, alcohol, colas, Red Meat, sugar, many sweetened fruit juices and canned fruits, Beans, Dairy Products and nuts are largely on the acidic side.
Vegetables, fish, healthy oils and raw fruits are more alkaline forming.
Most people think that lemons are acidic.
Although the lemon itself has a low Ph, when swallowed, digested and assimilated it is alkaline forming in the body.
How important is the concept of PH.
If blood pH moves below 6.
8 or above 7.
8, cells stop functioning and the body dies.
I would say it is extremely important.
Unfortunately the Standard Diet is very acidic and foods are not the only things that cause us to live in a state of acidosis.
Stress, extreme exercise, environmental toxins, and anything that deprives the cells of oxygen such as improper breathing or poorly ventilated buildings will make us more acidic.
Our bodies are amazing and when we become acidic there are mechanisms which work to keep us alkaline.
Minerals such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium which are some of the most alkaline substances on the planet, are robbed from other areas of our bodies such as organs and bones.
This state of acidosis has been proven to be a leading cause of arthritis, osteoporosis, bronchitis, nasal infections, and many other illnesses.
Research has even shown that cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment.
I personally suffered from Bronchitis and nasal infections as well as arthritic conditions for many years.
I believe there were two reasons for this.
1 - An overly acidic diet 2 - Participating in extreme sports such as marathons, triathlons track and field and cross country racing without the knowledge of how to stay alkaline.
Many athletes are unaware of the acidic forming oxidative effects that extreme exercise has on there bodies.
Cyclist are seen with runny noses while riding there bikes.
The oxidative affect of lactic acid build up combined with having an acidic body forces the body to react and remove the toxic build up.
It can be a tendency for athletes to feel invincible and feel they could eat anything they want because of there cardiovascular or muscular fitness.
I would say the opposite is true, we can never escape the truth that you are what you eat.
An athlete needs to take on even more measures than most to continually alkaline the body with vegetable juices, high alkaline water, and minerals.
Many health practitioners believe in taking small amounts of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) when one feels the onset of stuffiness or a cold to help increase the body's alkaline state.
Herbal teas, lemon and water, increasing sea salt and calcium intake will also help.
Practicing deep breathing can also help in many ways.
Many people do not breath deeply enough or exercise and therefore are not using there entire lung capacity.
Toxins can build up in the lower portions of the longs over time which can lead to lung infections and coughing.
When oxygen enters the full lung one can feel the energy almost immediately.
Coincidently, oxygen is extremely alkaline.
I truly believe that keeping the body alkaline is one of the most important aspects of health, wellness and longevity.
You can take this to any level you want.
Level A - Xtreme Health(TM) Practice deep breathing, educate yourself to what foods are alkaline and what foods are acidic, make yourself an alkaline kit that you can take when you travel and for when you feel under the weather (Buffered Vitamin C, minerals, sodium and potassium Bicarbonate), Drink vegetable juice everyday (raw and juiced from a juicer), drink alkaline water every day Level B - Much better than most people Drink alkaline water, drink vegetable juice every day, and take buffered vitamin C Level C - A step above what you're doing now Drink water with lemon juice and increase your vegetable intake Have the most Awesome day Ever.

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