Health & Medical Mental Health

Determining the Need For Psychotherapy

When most of us here the word "Psychotherapy" our minds instantly drift.
We often think of someone who is "Crazy" needing psychotherapy.
The truth is many of us are not even sure if it is right for us to participate in psychotherapy.
Although knowing when its right for you must first entail understanding what it is.
There are many reasons for psychotherapy and not all of them are because one's "psychotic" or even "Crazy".
The Medical definition for Psychotherapy is "The Treatment of a behavior disorder, mental illness, or any other condition by psychological means.
" This is a vague description of the meaning of psychotherapy but there are several techniques used during psychotherapy as well.
There are also several types of psychotherapy including:
  • Family therapy
  • Interpersonal therapy
  • Cognitive therapy
  • Psycho-dynamic therapy
Many people use psychotherapy for things ranging from ADHD for adults & children, bi-polar disorder & other behavioral disorders, serious mental illnesses such as Schizophrenia, and Major Depressive Disorder, as well as things like family therapy, or relationship issues.
But how do you determine when its time for you to participate in psychotherapy? Below are some signs that may help you determine just that:
  • Choking feeling
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal Distress
  • Fear of dying
  • Pounding or accelerated heartbeat
  • Depressed mood
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Decreased need for sleep
  • Racing thoughts
  • Excessive Talking
  • Dizziness
Though this is a minimal list there are several reasons one would look for psychotherapy.
The truth is admitting that you have a problem is the first step to recovering.
In psychotherapy many techniques are used to help the patient through whatever day to day events they need.
Many sessions look at role playing, hypnosis, or even talk therapy as a means to help with several conditions.
They will show you ways to cope with the symptoms of your conditions.
Psychotherapy has been beneficial for many patients from as far back as a century until now.
Learning how to cope with everyday stresses are the problems of millions of people around the world.
Learning how to get started should be your first inviting step to recovery.

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