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You may have heard the word intuition used during discussions about psychic abilities, and also in comments about magical workings.

Intuition is the ability to just *know* things without being told. Many intuitives make excellent Tarot card readers, because this skill gives them an advantage when reading cards for a client. This is sometimes referred to as clairsentience. Of all the psychic abilities, intuition may well be the most common.

Have you ever found yourself driving home from work, taking your normal route, when you suddenly got a nagging feeling that you should turn right at the next intersection, instead or the normal left turn? Or perhaps you've known, for no discernible reason, that you needed to give your mom a call - and when you did, she said, "Oh! I was just thinking about you!" These are examples of intuition.

Intuition, on a magical level, is often associated with the power of the full moon.

Many successful Tarot card readers use an intuitive process - it's where rather than interpreting the cards by a definition or a meaning in a book, they simply rely on what they know the images mean for the querent. The Tarot suit of Wands is often associated with wisdom and intuition.

If you’re interested in developing your skills as an intuitive, be sure to read Developing Your Psychic Abilities.

Examples: Willow trusted her intuition and left for work ten minutes early, and found out later that she narrowly missed a large accident on the freeway.

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