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What If Your Toothbrush Is Really Harming You? (How to Pick the Right Toothbrush)

You go shopping and grab the first toothbrush that you see, or pick the fanciest one, assuming that they all work the same and do the same job.
Whoa! That just isn't the way it works.
The bristles on a toothbrush are an extremely important factor in how well a toothbrush does its job; however, the handle of the toothbrush can impact your overall oral health even more than the bristles.
If you want to prevent cavities and tooth decay, you will need to pay special attention to the toothbrush you use for daily care.
A brush with soft bristles is gentler on your gums, and won't irritate them the way a harder bristle will.
The gums are made to protect the roots of your teeth, and when the gums recede from excessively hard brushing, the roots are left exposed and unprotected.
This can not only lead to decay, but also allow the teeth to become sensitive to heat or cold.
This is of particular importance when brushing a child's teeth.
As soon as your child has his first teeth, you can begin brushing with an extra soft toothbrush, which is gentle on the teeth and gums, and still gets rid of any plaque buildup without causing discomfort.
Soft bristles are also gentler on sensitive teeth, or teeth with damaged enamel.
The brush should also have a small head, to make it easier to reach all areas of the mouth.
It may seem obvious that a harder bristle will be more effective at removing plaque and bacteria, cleaning the teeth in too harsh and effective a manner can actually damage parts of the tooth structure at the same time.
Hard bristles can be highly abrasive to sensitive tooth enamel, where a soft bristle will gently clean the plaque while keeping the enamel from damage.
Although the bristles are an essential part of the toothbrush, it is not the only factor in choosing the right toothbrush.
There is a bit of information that has been neglected for centuries until inventor Steven Walther turned the typical toothbrush on its head and created a toothbrush that will forever change how we brush our teeth.
You see most people make a fist when they brush their teeth and by doing so they naturally brush too hard and often damage not only their teeth but also their gums.
The Toof-inger toothbrush that Steven Walther invented solves this problem by forcing people to use two fingers while brushing, by forcing you to use just two fingers, brushing your teeth because much more of a fine motor skill.
You can think of it like painting.
Artists normally don't make a fist around the paintbrush and make aggressive strokes when they are painting a portrait.
They normally use two or three fingers so they can make delicate strokes.
The same is true when brushing your teeth.
You need to be conscious while you are brushing so that you do not over brush.
The other unique aspect of the Toof-inger Brush is that it also has a stress breaker in the handle so if you do begin to press too hard it will bend preventing you from being able to cause harm to your gums.
Below is a brief video to show how much force someone can use with a normal toothbrush even with the extra soft bristles and then one that shows how much force you are able to use with the Toof-inger toothbrush.
Anyone who already has even a mild case of gingivitis or any type of gum disease should seriously consider investing in the unique and revolutionary Toof-inger Toothbrush.
It is estimated that 75% and 90% of the American population suffers from some form of dental or gum disease, and proper brushing is the most effective treatment of this type of problem.
It is also the most effective preventative measure.
Brushing frequently throughout the day is necessary to good oral hygiene, and you are much more likely to pick up that brush and use it if it doesn't cause pain and discomfort! You will also save yourself thousands of dollars by preventing gum recession and other costly surgeries to restore gum loss.
Make a change today and start down the path to a healthier and happier mouth!

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