Health & Medical Dental & Oral

7 Tips For Whiter Teeth

If ever I ask a question "who does not want whiter teeth?" I do not have any ambiguity that what the answer would be.
As I know every body in this world crave attention.
Pearly, sparkling whiter teeth is one way of looking good and seeking attention.
Advertising companies spends billions and earn trillion dollars to promote self-awareness and beauty products.
Do you think it is bad? The answer may vary as it depends on the reader's view of self-love.
Treatments of whiter teeth can be considered a luxury by some.
The case may be different if it can be achieved through inexpensive home tips for teeth whitening.
Following are some tips
  1.  A proven tip for whiter teeth is application of baking soda.
    It is used same like a paste.
  2. The best is to brush the teeth after each meal to prevent stains and discoloration.
    Apple cider vinegar may be used while brushing.
  3. Another effective tip for whiter teeth is to rub the bark of walnut tree on teeth
  4. Fruits are also used for whitening.
    One can rub strawberry peel on teeth.
    Strawberry contain natural whitening agent while seeds clean the teeth.
  5. Orange peel can also effectively whiten teeth.
    One must make sure to rinse the mouth as sugar content of fruit may cause cavities.
  6. A dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide is an effective tip for whiter teeth.
    One must be sure not to swallow it as it may harm the digestive walls.
    Only a diluted solution must be used.
  7. The best tip for whiter tooth is to make a homemade paste with hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and salt.
    Just mix these ingredients and it will be effective and affordable whitening toothpaste.

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