Why Does the Kidney Stone Diet Work?
If you have recently passed a stone, you know just how agonizing the pain of such an event can be. This can cause you pain for several hours or even for a day or longer, and the pain can truly make you want to drop out of your life and hide away at home. It can also cause nausea, vomiting, and other unpleasant symptoms. If the stone is too large to pass naturally, surgery may even be required. With this in mind, it does make sense that you would want to consider ways to prevent the development of future stones, and the kidney stone diet is among the most popular at-home prevention measures you can take.
What Steps Are There?
After you pass a stone, your doctor may run some tests. If you were able to capture your stone in your urine, your doctor likely will run a lab test to determine its makeup. There are different types of stones, and they may commonly be comprised of different materials. Generally, however, regardless of what the stone is made of, the causes of development are the same, so your doctor may recommend prevention options that include drinking extra water and following a kidney stone diet.
How Does It Help Heal Kidneys?
For many people who suffer from recurring kidney stones, the kidney stone diet is an excellent prevention technique to follow. Because it targets one of the leading causes of stone development, it does help to decrease the incidence of recurring stones in the future. However, it is not fully effective in some individuals because damage to the kidneys has already taken place, so kidneys are not operating at their full level. You will want to talk to your doctor about any possible recommendations he or she has for your treatment and prevention of stones, and you do want to follow your doctor's recommendations fully.
Is Medicine a Must?
The bottom line is that the kidney stone diet is highly effective at prevention for this common and very painful problem. Often, it works best when you combine dietary changes along with an increased intake of water each day, too. Together, these two measures work to combat the two known causes of stone, so they are very effective. Sometimes, these measures do need to be followed with the addition of a medical prevention option available through your doctor, too. When you are proactive about prevention of the development of stones, you will find that you have to suffer through the pain of stones far less often, if at all.
What Steps Are There?
After you pass a stone, your doctor may run some tests. If you were able to capture your stone in your urine, your doctor likely will run a lab test to determine its makeup. There are different types of stones, and they may commonly be comprised of different materials. Generally, however, regardless of what the stone is made of, the causes of development are the same, so your doctor may recommend prevention options that include drinking extra water and following a kidney stone diet.
How Does It Help Heal Kidneys?
For many people who suffer from recurring kidney stones, the kidney stone diet is an excellent prevention technique to follow. Because it targets one of the leading causes of stone development, it does help to decrease the incidence of recurring stones in the future. However, it is not fully effective in some individuals because damage to the kidneys has already taken place, so kidneys are not operating at their full level. You will want to talk to your doctor about any possible recommendations he or she has for your treatment and prevention of stones, and you do want to follow your doctor's recommendations fully.
Is Medicine a Must?
The bottom line is that the kidney stone diet is highly effective at prevention for this common and very painful problem. Often, it works best when you combine dietary changes along with an increased intake of water each day, too. Together, these two measures work to combat the two known causes of stone, so they are very effective. Sometimes, these measures do need to be followed with the addition of a medical prevention option available through your doctor, too. When you are proactive about prevention of the development of stones, you will find that you have to suffer through the pain of stones far less often, if at all.