Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

How to Become a Lyric Writer



Learn the basics on the piano, keyboards or guitar--you'll be using one of these two instruments when getting a melody down for your lyrics. Just about every professional lyricist uses one or all of these tools when writing.

Write as much as you can. If you want to be a lyric writer, you will have to write all the time to keep the flow going. Jot down ideas on cocktail napkins and notepads. Always keep a notebook with you so you can write down any inspirational thoughts.

Take a course that will teach you how to write for music and singers. This will provide you with the lyricist fundamentals you will need when writing for musicians and music. Look into community colleges, they'll be your best bet in regards to the fundamentals. Community colleges will also help you in finding out if this is what you want to do for a living or not, without spending a lot of money.

Write poetry whenever you can. Poetry is a lot like lyrics and involves feelings and emotions. If you keep writing poetry, you will be able to turn your poetry into lyrics eventually.

Try singing your lyrics aloud. Even if you don't know much about music, you will know what sounds good to you. Imagine you are just any other radio listener.

Get a book of rhyming words that you can always have at hand when writing lyrics. Lyric writing is full of chorus and rhymes that gives the listener or reader a sense of feeling behind the words.

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