Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Choosing the Right Home Locks to Enhance Security

Considering the fact that every few seconds, security in a home is compromised upon as burglars break in, it is imperative to choose the right home locks. Whether it is a new or second home you purchase, installing or replacing high quality locks is of paramount importance. Just like you would choose the best car Locksmith Costa Mesa for your car lock repair needs, it is necessary to find a good locksmith to install great quality locks for your home.

There are varieties of locks available in the market. Before choosing one, it is a good idea researching options and making the right choice. Here are a few tips on how to identify the best lock for your premises.
Double cylinder locks are recommended by experts. One of the features of this lock is that it can be opened from inside and outside only with a key. This way, it is not possible for burglars to enter through the windows and conveniently exit through the front door.
In all exit and entry doors, it is imperative to install a deadbolt with the help of the best Costa Mesa locksmith. This important part of a lockset must also be installed on doors that lead to the garage. As you shop for deadbolts, it is important to choose one of the highest qualities. The deadbolt you choose must have at least 1-inch throw and must also be saw resistant.

First floor is where most of the burglars gain entry into homes. It is therefore important to give special attention to the locks on doors and windows in this floor. Here again, it is a good idea installing dead bolts and high quality locks that does not allow for easy tampering.

Those who want optimum security for their premises can choose from a range of digital locks. These keyless locks offer maximum security as they are not easy for burglars to tamper with. It is easy to pick cylinder locks or use bump keys to gain entry. Lock picking becomes difficult if there is no keyhole at all as in the digital locks. Types of digital locks available in the market include the remote-controlled locks, fingerprint locks and pushbutton locks. As a part of the backup system, these locks come with keys but remember to ensure they do not contain a keyhole.

The plate that holds the lockset to the door frame is called the strike plate. Strike plates are the first targets for burglars who find it easy to use a crowbar or any other simple tool to dislodge the plate. As you choose the right lockset, it is imperative to ensure that the strike plate is very sturdy and made of heavy gauge metal and get it installed by the best locksmiths Costa Mesa CA. The plate must also contain three-inch long screws, at least four of them. This will make it extremely difficult for miscreants to pry away the strike plate from the door.

Last but not the least, the door itself should be sturdy. There is no use putting a good quality, strong lockset on a hollow door that can be easily damaged. Make sure that the door in your home cannot be kicked down with ease and can withstand any amount of pounding. A metal door or solid core wood door is a safe option.

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