Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

The Best Fox Repellent

    Taste Repellent

    • Hot peppers contain a substance known as capsaicin, which stimulates the pain receptors in the mouth and throat. Painting hot sauce on items will not provide long term protection from foxes. However, adding a silicone sealant can maintain protection for years.

    Scent Repellent

    • Several commercial fox repellents use scent to keep foxes away. These products contain ammonium or citronella and come in spray and granule formulations. Both scents make foxes think that another animal is fighting for the territory.


    • Some traditional fox repellents such as creosote, diesel and petrol can become safety hazards. Commercial repellents sometimes become unavailable for safety reasons and keeping up to date with repellent status will minimize dangers related to repellent use.

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