How to Find a Wife in Fable 2
- 1). Purchase and equip clothing that increases your character's attractiveness rating. If your character is striving to attract a member of the same sex, choosing clothing with a higher "cross dressing" rating will increase your odds of success as well. The overall attractiveness of your character can be monitored by pausing the game, selecting "Logbook," and entering the "Personality" tab of the menu.
- 2). Choose the individual you wish to attract and ultimately marry. If you have increased your character's attractiveness rating enough, a large percentage of the people around will already be interested. Once you have chosen the man or woman you wish to woo, pull the "Left Trigger" on the Xbox controller while focusing on the person. A meter will display indicating the character's amount of like or dislike for you, and will also indicate how much the character has to like you in order to marry you, letting you know ahead of time how much work the marriage process is going to take.
- 3). Press the "Y" button while still displaying your potential spouse's menu. A great deal of information will be revealed, such as the person's sexual preference, favorite places, gifts, expressions and even things she dislikes. If the information provided indicates that your character is the preferred gender of the man or woman you wish to marry, proceed to take advantage of the things that person likes. Shower your intended with gifts, display expressions he or she is fond of and take the person to locations he or she loves using the "Follow" expression. If your character is not the preferred gender, unfortunately you will need to select someone else. Attempting to convince a character to change his or her sexual preference in "Fable 2" will rarely succeed.
- 4). Continue wooing the man or woman of your choice until you have increased the person's opinion of you enough to move the meter into the wedding ring indicator. At this time the person will say something indicating that he or she wishes to have a wedding ring. Check the information gathered in Step 3 to determine if the character is a commoner, or someone of more exquisite taste. Depending on the social class of the person you wish to marry, the quality of the wedding ring necessary for your marriage proposal to be accepted will vary. The quality of a wedding ring is indicated by the number of stars next to it, with more stars equaling a finer quality item.
- 5). Visit a jeweler in one of the populated areas of Albion and purchase a wedding ring. Return to your loved one, and press the "Up" button on the direction pad when the menu on the bottom-left corner of the screen displays a wedding ring. You are now engaged, and the marriage is now one step away from being considered complete.
- 6). Purchase a home for you and your spouse to live in. Old Town and Bowerstone offer a number of relatively inexpensive homes for sale, making it easier for early game adventurers to be able to afford them. Once you have purchased a home, return to your partner and use the "Follow" expression. Take your beloved to your new marital home. Select the sign on the front of the home, and choose "Set as Marital Home." Congratulations, you are now married, and are on your way to starting a family in the world of "Fable 2."