You Absolutely Must Read This If You Use a Computer For Work Or Pleasure.
Most computer users don't think very often about how their job can have an impact on their eyes. You'll probably find that you tend to work until your eyes burn or get blurry because you've been concentrating on the job and lost track of time. You then take a break and do it all over again. Although you might think that this is all part of the job and that it doesn't matter because it doesn't have any long term negative effects; you're wrong.
Surveys of those working more than six hours a day at the computer have found that up to 91 per cent experience visual problems. The reported problems included:
Burning or tender eyes
Dry Eye
Watering eyes
Blurred vision or difficulty in focusing
Double vision
You'll know if you've got severe eye strain because it is something that I would only describe as miserable. Imagine having a headache that never went away for 2 months.
Imagine what it would be like to be so sensitive to light that you only want to stay indoors, in the dark. Not only that, imagine being unable to enjoy watching TV or using your computer or iPhone during that time. Even worse you sit there in pain with no idea how to get rid of it. I don't know about you but I find it difficult to think when I have a headache, I just want to curl up and die.
This is what you could well go through; all because you ignore what your eyes are telling you - to stop working and take a break. It really is as simply as that, take breaks, make them clear time away and simply limit the amount of work that you do. Ultimately its about how much you value your sight. I have produced a free report on Eye Health which you can get today, it's an absolute must read if you want to keep your eyes in good condition today and as you age. Its free get it
Surveys of those working more than six hours a day at the computer have found that up to 91 per cent experience visual problems. The reported problems included:
Burning or tender eyes
Dry Eye
Watering eyes
Blurred vision or difficulty in focusing
Double vision
You'll know if you've got severe eye strain because it is something that I would only describe as miserable. Imagine having a headache that never went away for 2 months.
Imagine what it would be like to be so sensitive to light that you only want to stay indoors, in the dark. Not only that, imagine being unable to enjoy watching TV or using your computer or iPhone during that time. Even worse you sit there in pain with no idea how to get rid of it. I don't know about you but I find it difficult to think when I have a headache, I just want to curl up and die.
This is what you could well go through; all because you ignore what your eyes are telling you - to stop working and take a break. It really is as simply as that, take breaks, make them clear time away and simply limit the amount of work that you do. Ultimately its about how much you value your sight. I have produced a free report on Eye Health which you can get today, it's an absolute must read if you want to keep your eyes in good condition today and as you age. Its free get it