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Types of Color Contacts

    • For many people, contact lenses are one of the most important possessions. Now that they come in different colors, many find their contacts even more exciting. Colored contacts allow people to change the color of their eyes to suit their mood or a favorite outfit or just for the fun of having a new color each day. Contacts are colored so that the color changes the appearance of the iris. Contacts offer many advantages over eyeglasses, including this special versatility.


    • Visibility tint is a light blue or green tint that is added to the lens to make it easier to find in case the lens is dropped during insertion or removal. The tint is light enough so that it will not change the natural color of the user's eyes.


    • An enhancement tint is not much darker than a visibility tint. The enhancement tint will be the same color as the user's natural eye color. The purpose of the enhancement tint is, as the name states, to enhance the natural color of the user's eye. These are especially useful to people who generally like the color of their eyes but wish to bring out more of their natural hue..


    • These deep colored lenses are used to change the user's eye color. Colored contacts come in a wide array of colors, types and styles. Some of the colors that can be chosen are green, blue, hazel, amethyst and gray. There are even colored lenses with special effects, such as lenses that make your eyes look cat-like.

    Light Filtering

    • These are new on the market. Light filtering lenses are a great item for sports enthusiasts, such as golfers and tennis pros, who need to see contrast. For instance, a golfer who loses a ball with normal lenses might be able to spot it with light filtering lenses. This type of lens makes enhances shades such as the white of the ball and the green of the grass, making the ball easier to locate. Light filtering lenses offer other options, so see an eye care specialist to get all of the details about these new lenses.

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