Business & Finance Credit

Free Credit Score Report - How To Get Yours Today

Your credit score is a number that represents your creditworthiness in the marketplace.
This number is used by financial and lending institutions, employment agencies, landlords and anyone who is looking for a financial reference on you as an individual.
There is a way for a consumer to get a free credit score report without any strings attached and we will show you how to do that in this article.
Generally a credit score report is not free.
By law consumers are only entitled to a free credit report annually from the three credit bureaus - Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.
These credit reports need to be checked on a regular basis for accuracy because it is this data that is used to calculate your credit score.
The three credit bureaus operate individually and each work on an independent database.
Major banks and lending institutions will report to all three bureaus, but smaller banks and companies may only report to one.
Therefore the information in their reports could differ and this is why a consumer will get three different scores.
Credit report monitoring companies are giving consumers a special service by offering them a 3 bureau credit score report, which consolidates all 3 credit bureau reports into one, thus making it easier to check for errors and omissions.
For this service the monitoring companies are charging a monthly fee of $14.
95 and some of them are offering consumers a free 7 day trial.
When a consumer accepts the free 7 day trial, they will receive a free credit score report.
It is important to note here that this is a no obligation free trial and as such the consumer can cancel at any time within the 7 day period.
The trial service is primarily being offered so that consumers can decide if they will benefit from the 24/7 monitoring of their credit report.
Consumers who accept this offer will receive an email alert every time there is a significant change to their report.
The email monitoring service enables consumers to check that the changes occurring are in fact for them personally and not as a result of ID theft.
Any discrepancies and errors will therefore easily be picked up and resolved before it has an impact on their score.
This type of service is very popular and millions of consumers are using it to monitor the movements on their credit report and score.

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