Health & Medical Men's Health

Reason Behind Rise In Prostate Health Problems

Prostate health issues are on a rise due to visible negligence amongst middle age men in their lifestyles and eating patterns. According to a health survey conducted amongst 30,000 men researchers revealed an opposite relationship between BPH symptoms and physical workout. Men who were regular with physical exercise were less prone to BPH. Even, moderate exercise like brisk walking had considerable low count on complains of an enlarged prostate. The other revelations of the survey were that obese men were at a high risk to develop erectile dysfunction and problems with their digestive & urinary tract than men with sufficient body mass index.

Another health survey included 231 men in sedentary jobs with chronic prostatitis; all were recommended an aerobic exercise for 18 weeks, at the end of the observation there was a noteworthy improvement in the prostatitis pain.

To aggravate prostate health further men neglect their eating patterns that worsen the state of the prostate. Stuffing the digestive system with unhealthy junk food full of fatty acids and carbohydrates, high calories non-vegetarian food like red meat and pork affects the digestive tract. It is vital to replace unhealthy eating habits with proteins and fiber rich food on a daily basis that can help revive a healthy prostate. Otherwise the consequences can be severe like prostate cancer, urination problem, and feeling of bladder been full all the time that leads to frequent toilet visits.

Easy ways to take care of prostate health are supplements that make up for lack of nutritive diet to a great extent. The topmost prostate supplement is Saw palmetto. It is a remedy to cure respiratory and urinary problems. It shrinks the size of the inner lines that lays pressure on the tract that carries urine. It helps to treat the most common type of cancer the prostate cancer. It comprises polysaccharides and flavonoids. It is available in the form of pills, tablets, soft gels and liquid tea.

Other benefits of Saw palmetto are its ability to treat severe pelvic pain and related infections. Its has healing power to cure migraine attack, asthma, sore throat, cough and cold, decrease bleeding post a prostate operation, help to treat bronchitis and even enhance breast size. Its considered completely safe and free of any negative side effects.

Some other prostate supplements that are also beneficial to overcome prostate health problems are the ones that contain a mix of lycopene, Vitamin E, Nettle root, Selenium, Saw Palmetto berry extract, Pumpkin seed, acai berry powder and maca root in varied proportions to make an effective prostate supplement.

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