Bus Trips to New York City From Near Altoona, PA
- Fullington Tours offers bus trips to New York City.Bus stop sign image by Jim Mills from Fotolia.com
Fullington Tours is located in Clearfield, one hour outside of Altoona, Pennsylvania. Fullington offers a full range of trips to New York City, from a day to spend as you wish to taking in a Broadway show. The company has pickup locations in Clearfield, State College, Philipsburg and Dubois, all of which are located less than one hour from Altoona. - New York City has something to please everyone.new york city image by sjpriceuk from Fotolia.com
Fullington Tours offers several trips per month called Do As You Please. Priced at $78 per person, you will be dropped off on 8th Avenue between 48th and 49th Streets. Upon arrival, you can choose your destination. Visit the Statue of Liberty or Empire State Building. Spend the day shopping on 5th Avenue or in Chinatown. Arrival time is approximately 11:30 a.m. and it is recommended you be at the pickup location about 30 minutes before departure time. - The Christmas Show Spectacular is a show for people of all ages.christmas tree image by Lisa Turay from Fotolia.com
During the Christmas season, Fullington Tours offers the opportunity to see the famed "Christmas Show Spectacular" at Radio City Music Hall. Priced at $141 per person, this one-day trip includes your travel accommodations and show tickets. Watch the world famous Rockettes kick their legs to the tunes of Christmas while you catch a glimpse of the amazing Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center. - Take in an amazing show with Fullington Tours.broadway avenue, manhattan, nyc image by Albo from Fotolia.com
Fullington Tours offers several trips during the year to take in a Broadway show. Priced at around $200, these trips offer the opportunity to see incredible stories told with sweet songs and beautiful choreography. Included in the price is transportation and your show ticket, and shows included on the tour are the famed "Wicked" and "Phantom of the Opera".