Technology Software

How to Stretch a Picture in Paint

    • 1). Open the Windows Start menu and click "All Programs," then click on the "Accessories" folder.

    • 2). Click on "Paint" to open the MS Paint program. Click the Windows logo in the upper left corner and click "Open."

    • 3). Browse through the folders and select the image you want to stretch. Click on it, and then click "Open."

    • 4). Click on the "Home" tab, then select "Resize." You'll see "Resize Horizontal" and "Resize Vertical."

    • 5). Click on the box next to "Maintain Aspect Ratio" to remove the check mark. This ensures your adjustments stretch the image rather than simply resize it.

    • 6). Increase the "Resize Horizontal" percentage or pixel level to stretch the image horizontally, or increse the "Resize Verical" level to stretch the image vertically. Click "OK." If you are not satisfied with the appearance, click "Edit," then "Undo." Perform the process again. Use a different percentage until you are happy with the results of the stretch.

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