Digging For Truths Concerning Skincare Products
It really isn't necessary to actually dig in the earth to find out what you need to know about skin care.
However, you do need to do some "digging" in order to get to the source of one potential ingredient in a vitalizing product? Keen to know more? Read on to find out! Remember that, because your mother or grandmother were not able to find out about skin care online, it did not stop them from discovering and indeed using skin care products that were effective.
If you go back in history, there is evidence that ancient civilizations understood the role that certain plants played in skin care.
We are fortunate that some of this ancient wisdom has been passed down to us and is being disseminated through the use of online communication.
One example of this is the online information regarding the properties of Echinacea, green tea and ginseng.
If you read carefully, some websites will tell you that these plants have properties that can be used to rid the body of infections, provide an energy reserve and even boost the immune system.
There are a number of products available that are able to assist the body and its functions through a skin care treatment that promotes the skin cells naturally occurring biochemistry.
These products contain a substance known as beta carotene.
This is where the digging comes to play: A well known food that contains this substance is the carrot, otherwise known as the favorite food of Bugs Bunny! Beta carotene is converted into Vitamin A through biochemical reactions in endothelial cells.
This vitamin has antioxidant properties: it assists the repairing of damage to the skin caused by free radicals Vitamin A has antioxidant properties.
Vitamin A helps to repair damage caused by free radicals in the skin.
Another element that assists in the protection of the skin is selenium.
It is involved in a specific enzymatic reaction in that it completes the reaction.
This reaction alters the skin's biochemistry.
Cells in the body that contain selenium cannot be damaged by ultra violet rays.
As such, then, skin cells containing selenium have a decreased risk of developing skin cancer.
The above facts are very useful to us, although it would be negligent of anyone who used skin care treatments not to inform their doctor that they were reliant upon supplements for their health.
Why? Because there is a risk that a prescribed substance or medication may have a negative interaction with one of these supplements, resulting in health issues.
It is wise to recognize that not all skin care products have within them supplements.
Some of these may contain elements that promote the production of collagen and elastin within skin cells.
Why should older adults think about using such products? Collagen and elastin are proteins and are found in all healthy skin cells.
Because of its fibrous structure, collagen forms a rope inside a cell, holding it firm and taut.
Aging cells, when left untreated, lose the ability to create collagen and as a result, the cells begin to wrinkle and droop.
To counteract this, a treatment that promotes the production of collagen should be implemented: this treatment would also have to promote the production of elastin.
Elastin gives cells flexibility and, as the name implies, elasticity.
Cells that have adequate levels of elastin are able to return to their original shape when they are stretched.
The most important thing to remember regarding skin care is how to obtain the best source of collagen and elastin.
When a skin care product promotes the production of these proteins, the skin can be restored to its natural youthfulness.
However, you do need to do some "digging" in order to get to the source of one potential ingredient in a vitalizing product? Keen to know more? Read on to find out! Remember that, because your mother or grandmother were not able to find out about skin care online, it did not stop them from discovering and indeed using skin care products that were effective.
If you go back in history, there is evidence that ancient civilizations understood the role that certain plants played in skin care.
We are fortunate that some of this ancient wisdom has been passed down to us and is being disseminated through the use of online communication.
One example of this is the online information regarding the properties of Echinacea, green tea and ginseng.
If you read carefully, some websites will tell you that these plants have properties that can be used to rid the body of infections, provide an energy reserve and even boost the immune system.
There are a number of products available that are able to assist the body and its functions through a skin care treatment that promotes the skin cells naturally occurring biochemistry.
These products contain a substance known as beta carotene.
This is where the digging comes to play: A well known food that contains this substance is the carrot, otherwise known as the favorite food of Bugs Bunny! Beta carotene is converted into Vitamin A through biochemical reactions in endothelial cells.
This vitamin has antioxidant properties: it assists the repairing of damage to the skin caused by free radicals Vitamin A has antioxidant properties.
Vitamin A helps to repair damage caused by free radicals in the skin.
Another element that assists in the protection of the skin is selenium.
It is involved in a specific enzymatic reaction in that it completes the reaction.
This reaction alters the skin's biochemistry.
Cells in the body that contain selenium cannot be damaged by ultra violet rays.
As such, then, skin cells containing selenium have a decreased risk of developing skin cancer.
The above facts are very useful to us, although it would be negligent of anyone who used skin care treatments not to inform their doctor that they were reliant upon supplements for their health.
Why? Because there is a risk that a prescribed substance or medication may have a negative interaction with one of these supplements, resulting in health issues.
It is wise to recognize that not all skin care products have within them supplements.
Some of these may contain elements that promote the production of collagen and elastin within skin cells.
Why should older adults think about using such products? Collagen and elastin are proteins and are found in all healthy skin cells.
Because of its fibrous structure, collagen forms a rope inside a cell, holding it firm and taut.
Aging cells, when left untreated, lose the ability to create collagen and as a result, the cells begin to wrinkle and droop.
To counteract this, a treatment that promotes the production of collagen should be implemented: this treatment would also have to promote the production of elastin.
Elastin gives cells flexibility and, as the name implies, elasticity.
Cells that have adequate levels of elastin are able to return to their original shape when they are stretched.
The most important thing to remember regarding skin care is how to obtain the best source of collagen and elastin.
When a skin care product promotes the production of these proteins, the skin can be restored to its natural youthfulness.