Video: How to Switch From Ask to Google on Firefox
Video Transcript
Hi. This is Jane Ratliff with BlueHair Technology. Today, I'm going to show you how you can switch from Ask as your search engine to Google as your search engine on Mozilla Firefox. You actually have multiple choices of search engines in Firefox. And it's quite simple to change between the one that you want to use. You just need to know a little bit and that's what I'm going to show you today. So I had launched Mozilla Firefox and I have come to what my home page is. And while Google right now is showing as the search engine we're actually going to talk about the search engine part that's up on the top right. You have multiple choices of what you want as your search engine up there. If you notice there is a, I'm currently at Ask. But if you notice there is a, next to the little word ask there is a drop down arrow. If I click on that, it actually shows me all of the search engines that I've installed on Mozilla Firefox that I can use whenever I want to search for something. So I have currently have selected Ask. And if I went in and I searched for something, let's just say weather, weather in Atlanta and hit enter, it provides me with the Ask search engine's results, which is fine. But let's say that I wanted to have Google instead. Well Google is one of my choices. I would come back up to the search engine and I would just drop down to Google and select Google. And now if I wanted to search it remembers the searched results that I just did, the search request that I just put in there, weather in Atlanta. I would just simple press the enter button and now it's the Google search results that I see up here. Now you might want to know how I have all of those search engines in there. And it really, if you come down to the manage search engines section, we're not going to go into that a lot in this video. But you actually have an option to have multiple search engines. You can have Ask, you can have Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and you would actually click on this option right here which is the get more search engines. And you'll find a lot of different search engines that are available to you in Mozilla Firefox. So I'm Jane Ratliff with BlueHair Technology and that is how you switch between and as your search engine on Mozilla Firefox.