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If The Dough Offered As Firstfruits Is Holy So Is The Batch, If The Root Is Holy So Are The Branches

With eyes closed bring it to your lips
and taste it with your tongue
If you happen to survive you shall be vital,
viable and dumb
Because the fortitude of your soul
does play a part and your ability to detect what is good
should help you to come through
For the body may be given to you in bread,
but the derivatives are nestled in wood
So throw away the apple as it is situated too far away,
stick to the trunk because it is here that the children do play
The willingness to nourish is an act for which you will receive a very special reward
It should leave you in an admirable stead, but it is not about remuneration
rather it is the fine work that you surely do
The first step is to learn to assess what is healthy and fit,
for it is the baker's oven that you must duly inspect
Stay with the recipe as there is no need to hurry, a little tenderness will provide
you with assurance as you do not have to worry
Just think of the benefit as many people will become very strong
With your leadership and guidance others follow in your steps
and may even decide to come along
Cultivating the right flour is imperative and crucial
So whether it be from wheat or corn it must be made the proper way
For too many people have forgotten this important fact
They stray from the course and eat whatever they will or ingest whatever they like
Curious objects such as pigs blood and larvae, testicles and worms,
bat soup and eyeballs, muscle toes and germs
It is no wonder that they begin to have adverse effects
But to their own inclinations they cling and according to their desire they sing
With no compunction, penitence, regret or sorrow they sling a stone at tradition
as they have no concern about tomorrow
For it is only in the nature of the taste that they stake their claim
as a ravenous hog they have no conscience, morals or scruples at all
Bon appetit, their compliments to the chef
At the dining table they do their dirty work inhaling the delectables
and devouring whatever may prove to be right
It is in their instinct that they will be redeemed amidst the bananas and coconuts,
the strawberries and mangos, and the peaches and tangerines

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