How to Naturally Treat Fibromyalgia With Vitamin D Supplementation
Millions of people with fibromyalgia are wondering if there are any other options than taking all the muscle relaxers, painkillers, sleeping pills, and other medications.
I support western medicine and the proper use of medications in the right circumstances.
I also support alternative methods that may be effective, safe, and helpful in creating a healthier body and managing fibromyalgia better.
The fact is that fibromyalgia has become so common, so widespread, and so under-diagnosed that millions of people are suffering with no idea why they feel so bad and no idea what to do about it.
There are also many with fibromyalgia who are dissatisfied with their treatment options and looking for alternatives.
We've written extensively on fibromyalgia already, but we want to go more in depth on Vitamin D and its benefits for people with fibromyalgia in this article.
First of all, what is Vitamin D anyway? Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin at all - it's a prohormone.
The human genome contains more than 2,700 binding sites for calcitriol (the metabolic product of Vitamin D.
These binding sites are near genes involved in virtually every known major disease of humans including cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and much more.
Why do we need Vitamin D? Here's the deal: Over 70% of children in the U.
are deficient in vitamin D according to the RDA standards of 400 IU a day.
The problem is that new research shows we need 4,000 to 6,000 IU a day! That's 10-15 times as much as the RDA.
So if 70% of children are deficient according to the RDA, how many are truly deficient according to this new research? We estimate over 90% of people in the U.
are deficient! Vitamin D deficiency is linked to muscle pain and fibromyalgia, as well as numerous other diseases as noted before.
Why supplement with Vitamin D? Vitamin D3 is real vitamin D - it is the same substance as what is produced in human skin in response to sun exposure.
Supplemental vitamin D3 is derived from either lanolin or cod liver oil extract.
If you're like most Americans, you're deficient in Vitamin D.
We recommend getting a Vitamin D test during your routine doctors' visit and make sure your level is between 60-80 ng/mL (nanograms per milliliter).
We've heard anecdotal evidence that most people are below 20 ng/mL, extremely deficient.
By no means is vitamin D a cure for fibromyalgia - it's simply a tool that should be used in conjunction with other treatments and therapies.
Vitamin D is crucial, however, in overall health, wellness, vitality and disease prevention and is why we recommend it for anyone who is deficient, especially those with fibromyalgia.
I support western medicine and the proper use of medications in the right circumstances.
I also support alternative methods that may be effective, safe, and helpful in creating a healthier body and managing fibromyalgia better.
The fact is that fibromyalgia has become so common, so widespread, and so under-diagnosed that millions of people are suffering with no idea why they feel so bad and no idea what to do about it.
There are also many with fibromyalgia who are dissatisfied with their treatment options and looking for alternatives.
We've written extensively on fibromyalgia already, but we want to go more in depth on Vitamin D and its benefits for people with fibromyalgia in this article.
First of all, what is Vitamin D anyway? Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin at all - it's a prohormone.
The human genome contains more than 2,700 binding sites for calcitriol (the metabolic product of Vitamin D.
These binding sites are near genes involved in virtually every known major disease of humans including cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and much more.
Why do we need Vitamin D? Here's the deal: Over 70% of children in the U.
are deficient in vitamin D according to the RDA standards of 400 IU a day.
The problem is that new research shows we need 4,000 to 6,000 IU a day! That's 10-15 times as much as the RDA.
So if 70% of children are deficient according to the RDA, how many are truly deficient according to this new research? We estimate over 90% of people in the U.
are deficient! Vitamin D deficiency is linked to muscle pain and fibromyalgia, as well as numerous other diseases as noted before.
Why supplement with Vitamin D? Vitamin D3 is real vitamin D - it is the same substance as what is produced in human skin in response to sun exposure.
Supplemental vitamin D3 is derived from either lanolin or cod liver oil extract.
If you're like most Americans, you're deficient in Vitamin D.
We recommend getting a Vitamin D test during your routine doctors' visit and make sure your level is between 60-80 ng/mL (nanograms per milliliter).
We've heard anecdotal evidence that most people are below 20 ng/mL, extremely deficient.
By no means is vitamin D a cure for fibromyalgia - it's simply a tool that should be used in conjunction with other treatments and therapies.
Vitamin D is crucial, however, in overall health, wellness, vitality and disease prevention and is why we recommend it for anyone who is deficient, especially those with fibromyalgia.