Making Money Secrets - Wealth Beast
The point is: Make yourself wealthy... As quickly as possible.
Have you heard of the Law of Attraction?
There is a lot of websites promising quick result. Without your effort? No way. Don't believe in that.
You can try to become best-selling author and that will make you big amount of money.
You want more easy way?
Law of Attraction or amount of books sold?
If you want money, you only have to do one thing. Do the same thing that wealthy people do.
It's the one thing written about in various ancient cultures and still promoted today. Some secrets only for you.
It's the one thing that will bring money to anyone. Anyone without exception.
John D. Rockefeller became a billionaire.
Andrew Carnegie became a tycoon.
Want the same thing for yourself?
Do the same thing.
Give money away. Give it away.
Give it to people who inspire you, serve you, love you.
Give it to people without expecting them to return it back.
John D. Rockefeller wrote, " the beginning of getting money, away back in my childhood, I began giving it away, and continued increasing the gifts as the income increased..." He gave away $550 million dollars in his lifetime. The giving led to the receiving. The giving led to more wealth.
Give time and you'll get time.
Give food and you'll get food.
Give emotions and you'll get emotions.
Give money and you'll get money.
Everyone wants money. Money, however, is a fruit of your action.
There are lots of possible fruits of an action and money happens to be just one of them.
Enthusiasm, love, giving, developing our unique gifts and qualities, doing stuff that promotes health, creativity - can help us in our way to wealth. Wealth is your target.
The secret of making money and being rich is not only how much you earn. It's how you manage your money. How much you share with others.
Unfortunately there is something like - "after the second generation". Father was very diligent in making the money.
But children or grandchildren have no ambition to do the same. Think about it twice. Talk to your children - share your knowledge. One day they will need that. Or the story will be different.
They didn't earn money the hard way, so they don't value the money. You want that kind of story?
You will left big inheritance, but they will squander it.
Nothing left. So share money making secrets [] - but don't forget about money value. Explain your children all you know from this article.
Even if you sit there, do nothing, and eat, you can eat the mountain flat.
Have you heard of the Law of Attraction?
There is a lot of websites promising quick result. Without your effort? No way. Don't believe in that.
You can try to become best-selling author and that will make you big amount of money.
You want more easy way?
Law of Attraction or amount of books sold?
If you want money, you only have to do one thing. Do the same thing that wealthy people do.
It's the one thing written about in various ancient cultures and still promoted today. Some secrets only for you.
It's the one thing that will bring money to anyone. Anyone without exception.
John D. Rockefeller became a billionaire.
Andrew Carnegie became a tycoon.
Want the same thing for yourself?
Do the same thing.
Give money away. Give it away.
Give it to people who inspire you, serve you, love you.
Give it to people without expecting them to return it back.
John D. Rockefeller wrote, " the beginning of getting money, away back in my childhood, I began giving it away, and continued increasing the gifts as the income increased..." He gave away $550 million dollars in his lifetime. The giving led to the receiving. The giving led to more wealth.
Give time and you'll get time.
Give food and you'll get food.
Give emotions and you'll get emotions.
Give money and you'll get money.
Everyone wants money. Money, however, is a fruit of your action.
There are lots of possible fruits of an action and money happens to be just one of them.
Enthusiasm, love, giving, developing our unique gifts and qualities, doing stuff that promotes health, creativity - can help us in our way to wealth. Wealth is your target.
The secret of making money and being rich is not only how much you earn. It's how you manage your money. How much you share with others.
Unfortunately there is something like - "after the second generation". Father was very diligent in making the money.
But children or grandchildren have no ambition to do the same. Think about it twice. Talk to your children - share your knowledge. One day they will need that. Or the story will be different.
They didn't earn money the hard way, so they don't value the money. You want that kind of story?
You will left big inheritance, but they will squander it.
Nothing left. So share money making secrets [] - but don't forget about money value. Explain your children all you know from this article.
Even if you sit there, do nothing, and eat, you can eat the mountain flat.