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Drunk Driving Ramifications

Doesn't it make you angry when you read about yet another death due to the actions of a drunk driver? It makes me furious!! Don’t these people know there’s at least one law against drunk driving? Maybe they know but don’t care, or perhaps they feel they’re above the law for some reason. I can honestly say that I drove home legally drunk twice in my life, and both times I thanked the Powers that Be for preventing me from killing anyone. I decided back then that I’d never do it again, and I haven’t. I can’t afford to pay for a drunk driving lawyer, and I wouldn't know which one to hire if I could afford it. I guess it just galls me that these people take the lives of innocent bystanders into their reckless hands every time they get behind the wheel, and that’s just wrong! Don’t they get it that one out of every three persons will be affected by the actions of a drunk driver in their lifetimes? Every day, 2 blameless people die because some guy THOUGHT he could HANDLE his alcohol.

Don’t get me started on drinking and driving among teenagers! I ask you, where do these kids get the booze? I’ve heard of parents supplying it so at least they know where it came from, but come on! Really?!? Older siblings find it amusing to get their younger sisters and brothers drunk. Supposed “friends” who are of legal drinking age get it for their underage friends. Why don’t they think about what they’re doing to these kids? It blows my mind that “grow-ups” give beer, liquor, and wine to teens. Maybe they need to go online and check out, like I did. offers a variety of sound, reasonable advice about all manner of law, including that related to alcohol and its repercussions. It also provides articles on myriad topics, such as:

1) The laws of each state regarding the punishment for each drinking and driving offense;
2) The statistics about teens and drunk driving;
3) Suggestions about how to stop this terrible, irresponsible behavior before more innocent people die.

As a society, we must promote Solutions For Drunk Driving for anyone who needs it. If an anonymous alcohol assistance and education program is necessary, there are many chapters of Alcoholics Anonymous throughout the country. If a person isn’t the 12-step type, there are other choices, and can help someone find them. I’m not entirely unsympathetic to those who have an alcohol addiction and truly believe they cannot get through the day without it; after all, I’ve had - and beaten- my own devils. I can’t help but become angry as all get-out when one of these folks drives while drunk. Communities across the country must try harder to get these people the help they need, so there will be no more deaths of innocents because of this behavior. was so helpful! I was able to begin and end my search for a DWI attorney on the same day. My friend was let off with orders to attend an alcohol awareness program and a 90 license suspension. Thanks to, I know that, if I ever do need a lawyer, I can find one easily.

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