Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Excessive Cleanliness Causes Allergies - Dr. Wade Han's Take on the Latest Research

The cleanliness mania among people these days, according to Dr. Wade Wei Han, an Ivy League educated, highly specialized surgeon, wherein mothers go out of their way to protect their little ones from germs and bacteria can lead to serious problems. Most homes are equipped with anti-bacterial soaps, sanitizers, hand wash liquids, etc. to keep hands and other items most of us come in contact with, hygienic and clean.

A lot of people have also invested in air purifiers to keep pollens and other dangerous elements away. However, these measures may only aggravate the severity of problems. Being super-clean and keeping environment, bacteria/germ free may actually make you more prone to allergies and various types of immunity related disorders.

Studies and research by Dr Han have revealed that excessive cleanliness may put one at greater risks of developing allergies and related health conditions.  Introduction to allergens at early stages of life work towards immunizing children from developing varied types of allergies later on. This is also the reason children from developed countries where cleanliness and hygiene is practiced moore rigurously suffer from more allergies as compared to those dwelling in poorer nations.

Bacteria May Help

One doesn't need to be afraid of all kinds of bacteria. No all of them make you terribly ill. Some are actually good for your health. In fact, a certain amount of bacteria is crucial for our body. For example, bacteria in the intestinal tract are important for a healthy existence.

Germs for Healthy Immune System

Dr. Wade Han MD says that immune system of body distinguishes between good and bad organic matter in the body. It is also responsible for identifying toxins that can disrupt functioning of organs inside the body. A part of our immune system is present in the body since birth. The other is developed with time as one age and instills the proficiency to identify and beat microbial intruders.

Excessive cleanliness such as not allowing child to play with water, sand, etc., sanitizing phones, door knobs, or washing hands several times in a day may lead to development of allergies. Cleaning the surroundings and everything you come in contact with, can kill bacteria and prevents the body's immune system from getting introduced to them. This deters the process of development of natural antibodies to bacteria by the immune system.

To know more on the causes of allergies, read - Dr. Wade Wei Han on Causes of Allergies

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