Technology Software

How to Insert SWF Files into HTML Without Autoplay

    • 1). Right-click the HTML file on your computer that you want to edit and select "Open With." Double-click "Notepad" to open the HTML code in the editor.

    • 2). Scroll down to the section of the HTML file where you want to place the Flash file. Type the following code in your editor:


      <param name="movie" value="myfile.swf">

      <embed src="myfile.swf">



      Replace "myfile.swf" with your own SWF filename.

    • 3). Add the code to stop autoplay. The following code is added between the <object> and </object> tags:

      <param name="play" value="false">

    • 4). Press "Ctrl" and "S" to save the changes to your file. Double-click the file on your computer to open the Flash file and view the HTML in your Web browser.

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