How to Beat The UK Child Support Agency and Avoid Paying for Your Kids Upbringing
When my wife and I split up, I can safely say I was surprised. I had had a few affairs during our ten years of marriage, but I was absolutely sure she knew nothing about them. I worked up in town and my wife never doubted that I was where I said I was when I was working. I even took my lady friends away on skiing holidays and my wife never suspected a thing. She was too honest herself and trusting.
Turns out she was divorcing me, not because of the extra marital affairs, but simply because she didn't like me very much! She still didn't know about the affairs! Once it became obvious she was determined to go ahead with this divorce, I persuaded her that we should sell the family home and she should buy something smaller for her and the kids. She agreed and I put the house on the market with a friendly estate agent. Anyway, someone persuaded her that she shouldn't sell the house and that apparently she was entitled to live there with the kids and so, eventually after much bad feeling over the whole house-selling matter, I moved out.
At the time I was working for a large Corporation paying PAYE etc. and earning not a bad wage. Hard as I fought, the judge decided that my wife was entitled to all of the equity in the house (it wasn't much as my lifestyle had rather eaten away at our stake in the house) and I was given what I think is termed a clean break. Although I was expected to pay maintenance for the two children we had together.
I wasn't awfully willing to pay this as I had had my house taken from me and I was assessed at about 500 per month, which was deducted at source by the CSA from my wages at the BBC.
Was I going to pay 500 a month for the upbringing of my kids and to keep a roof over their end their mother's heads?
Not on your life.
So what did I do? After all the CSA in the UK is a powerful organisation isn't it? They can take your passport away can't they? They can take your money direct from your employers before you even see a penny can't they? And that's up to 30% of your take home pay isn't it?
Don't you believe it. The CSA is a push over and after ducking and diving, dodging and weaving for the past 14 years, I can reveal that I have paid under 7900 towards having my two kids raised to adulthood at someone else's expense. That's less than 2 a day! For two kids! And not in a cheap part of the country either! And I probably could have got away with less, but the woman I'm now living off/with insisted I pay something towards my kids upkeep, before she would let me move in because her ex was paying for their kids (and the mortgage as well - mad fool!) and she had a conscience. Anyway, now I've been contributing to that household for a few years, I reckon I'm entitled to a share of the house - very nice too, but that's another story.
So, how have I done this seemingly magic trick? And let me tell you, I have gotten away with it, I am in the clear and the government, the CSA nobody can touch me - that's a fact. How have I done it?
Turns out she was divorcing me, not because of the extra marital affairs, but simply because she didn't like me very much! She still didn't know about the affairs! Once it became obvious she was determined to go ahead with this divorce, I persuaded her that we should sell the family home and she should buy something smaller for her and the kids. She agreed and I put the house on the market with a friendly estate agent. Anyway, someone persuaded her that she shouldn't sell the house and that apparently she was entitled to live there with the kids and so, eventually after much bad feeling over the whole house-selling matter, I moved out.
At the time I was working for a large Corporation paying PAYE etc. and earning not a bad wage. Hard as I fought, the judge decided that my wife was entitled to all of the equity in the house (it wasn't much as my lifestyle had rather eaten away at our stake in the house) and I was given what I think is termed a clean break. Although I was expected to pay maintenance for the two children we had together.
I wasn't awfully willing to pay this as I had had my house taken from me and I was assessed at about 500 per month, which was deducted at source by the CSA from my wages at the BBC.
Was I going to pay 500 a month for the upbringing of my kids and to keep a roof over their end their mother's heads?
Not on your life.
So what did I do? After all the CSA in the UK is a powerful organisation isn't it? They can take your passport away can't they? They can take your money direct from your employers before you even see a penny can't they? And that's up to 30% of your take home pay isn't it?
Don't you believe it. The CSA is a push over and after ducking and diving, dodging and weaving for the past 14 years, I can reveal that I have paid under 7900 towards having my two kids raised to adulthood at someone else's expense. That's less than 2 a day! For two kids! And not in a cheap part of the country either! And I probably could have got away with less, but the woman I'm now living off/with insisted I pay something towards my kids upkeep, before she would let me move in because her ex was paying for their kids (and the mortgage as well - mad fool!) and she had a conscience. Anyway, now I've been contributing to that household for a few years, I reckon I'm entitled to a share of the house - very nice too, but that's another story.
So, how have I done this seemingly magic trick? And let me tell you, I have gotten away with it, I am in the clear and the government, the CSA nobody can touch me - that's a fact. How have I done it?