Cars & Vehicles Hybrid Vehicles

Hybrid Car Disadvantages

    Higher Cost

    • Hybrid cars are more expensive. They usually cost at least $2,000 more than their nonhybrid counterparts.

    More Weight

    • Hybrid cars weigh more than nonhybrid cars because they have a battery pack.

    Requires Specialized Mechanics

    • Hybrid cars require specially trained mechanics, so you can't just go to any mechanic to get the car fixed. Also, spare parts may be difficult to find in the event that the hybrid car breaks down.

    More Expensive Car Registration

    • Car registration for a hybrid costs more in some states.

    Slower Acceleration

    • Hybrids have slower acceleration than nonhybrid cars, so it takes longer for the car to get up to full speed.

    Exposure to High Voltage

    • In the event of an accident, there is potential danger of being exposed to high-voltage wires. Some hybrids use metal hydride batteries, which are high-voltage batteries that could be deadly if exposed during a car crash.

    Recharing the Battery Every Two Weeks

    • You have to recharge the battery every two weeks without fail. You can't just get in the car and go as you would in a nonhybrid.

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