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Hand Dipped Candles Make A Unique Change

Candle making is one of the hobbies that can be challenging, but at the same time a lot of fun.
There are lots of different methods that you can choose and at the end of the project have a product that you can use.
I guess you can't ask more than that from any hobby.
Hand dipped candles are a great way for candle making business people to produce a candle that will be useful and unique.
They can be time consuming so as a business owner you need to decide if you can get the return, but hand dipped candles most certainly do offer lots of possibilities.
This technique really brings out your creativity as various colors can be used and various results achieved.
The basic tools There are basic tools you will need for making hand dipped candles and most of them you will already have if you have already been making candles.
You will need a large amount of paraffin wax, wicks and a double boiler to melt the wax in.
Other utensils include wooden spoons, bowls, and a good quality thermometer.
One point to keep in mind is that once the candle has the first layer on it you are going to need to have a pot of liquid wax deep enough to take the length of the candle and of course if you are using various colors you will need a deep pot for each color.
Colors come in various forms including cakes, chips, powder, or liquid.
If you choose to add scents to your hand dipped candles you need to make sure it is pure oil that does not have a water or alcohol base to it.
Building the candle Whenever you do your candle making always ensure that you have everything you need out and in the right place before you start melting the wax.
This is a very good habit to get into for any candle making business project, because you are working with a flammable product and it is not worth the risk of being disorganized.
When making hand dipped candles have all your wicks prepared and cut to length ready to use.
You will need something to hang them from so that they can set.
The preparation of the wax is just the same for hand dipped candles as it is for any other wax candle you will make.
You need to weigh the amount of wax you will use and then heat it in the double boiler until it reaches a temperature of 160° Fahrenheit.
Once it does, turn the heat down very low to keep the wax in liquid form.
If you are going to be using just the one color then you can add the color to the wax now, using a few drops at a time until you reach the color you want.
When adding your color use a wire whisk as this blends the color in evenly.
Add a small amount of candle making fragrance to the mix at this time if you desire.
Use scents moderately as you don't want to have too powerful a smell.
Also a point to remember is that using too much fragrance can result in the candle not burning properly.
A choice to make You might choose to make a white candle right through until the last layer and then only add a colored layer for the last one.
If you do use this technique you might also do the same with the fragrance and only have it in the outside layer.
Dipping the candle Now that your wax is ready, dip the wick into the candle wax, making sure to coat it well.
Let it set on the wick, then dip it again.
By repeating this process you will "build" your candle.
After the wicks cool, dip them again.
Each time you dip them, the candle will grow in size.
Once your candle is close to the desired thickness, shave the top into a pointed shape using a soft blade as this will form the top of your candle.
Now you can dip your candles a couple more times and this will give them a smooth finish.
If you want different colors on the same candle simply have more than one color of wax ready to use.
It is at this stage that you may want to have several colors to use.
Creating hand dipped candles means a home candle making business owner can produce candles that are quite different.
The process is time consuming, but the creations are beautiful and you can make unique candles with the colors that you choose to use.
Learning to make hand dipped candles can be tricky and it is not recommended that beginners try this until they are comfortable with the wax melting, coloring and fragrance adding steps of candle making.

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