Business & Finance Business Insurance

A Few Things I Appreciate About Health Insurance

One of the things that has made a big difference in my life is having health insurance. I am very thankful to have been able to depend on it for years now. If I hadn't had the coverage, I hate to imagine the mess my finances would be in. I got plenty of use from that coverage. I was also saved a lot of heartache by early detection of certain issues that I know would not have been noticed except for the mandatory checkup they made me do. I didn't come up with the idea of having health coverage. I didn't think I needed it yet.

My father is behind my having health insurance. He started it up as a present for finishing my bachelors degree. I though it was an unusual and somewhat expensive payment but thought it was great. They had more money since their home was recently paid off so I thought it was nice. He said he would pay it until I finished with grad school. He thought it was something that everyone needed.

This new insurance demanded that I have regular physicals and checkups, which I really didn't have time for at all with my schedule. They even tried to get me to go to some of their informational workshops on nutrition and exercise. Like that was going to happen. The first time that I realized how nice it was to have the coverage was when I hurt myself climbing up a steep hill. I was goofing around with friends, bungee jumping and having some beers and I fell trying to get back up to the road. My friends still won't let me forget how funny I looked, and my knee has a nice scar from the surgery I needed later.

My next appreciative experience with health insurance came during one of those bothersome checkup visits. They found a hideous little mole on my body that I hadn't even noticed. I wouldn't have thought anything if I had seen it anyway. Turns out that Frankenmole was one of the fastest growing cancers around and my youthful love of the sun was over.

The final reason to be thankful for my health insurance happened as I was graduating yet again. I was happily surprised to find myself pregnant and then even more so when I found out that I was covered for it. Again it never occurred to me to check since I wasn't planning on having kids just yet. My Dad was the smart one. I was amazed that he had that on there the whole time, just in case. I think having health insurance is so important because of all that happened to me. I would have been in a mess of medical debt because of some pregnancy complications. More debt than I would have ever been able to climb out from under.

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