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Tips For Getting Even Greater Productivity From Your Turf Equipment

Whether you purchase your grounds keeping equipment new or have a used Toro in your vehicle fleet, every piece of equipment will eventually age.
It is important to keep every vehicle and tool in the best shape possible to ensure a long service life to keep down costs and prevent an untimely breakdown from ruining a gold course's maintenance schedule.
Let's take a look at what it takes to keep that used Toro and other used turf equipment in the best working order.
When To Perform Maintenance During the growing and playing seasons, it is difficult to make time to really keep a careful eye on every piece of equipment.
That used Toro mower is put into service daily, so there is not a lot of spare time to do thorough maintenance and repairs.
However, during the active seasons, every little bit of work will add up to keep used turf equipment in the best shape.
Make it a priority to do even a quick wash and cleaning on a mower and always check the oil on any engine before running the motor.
On a rainy or slow day, lube the fittings and pull off the guards and do a better cleaning, this will allow you to better spot any potential problems.
In addition, the winter season allows crews the time to do major work on their used turf equipment.
Be prepared to spend a good deal of time servicing every piece of machinery so that they will be in the best shape for the next year's busy seasons.
Let's take a look at a few of the best upkeep habits to get into each winter season.
Winter Work First focus on all of the parts of a used Toro that see the most work.
This means checking all of the mower and drive belts for cracks and other signs of wear.
Throwing a belt on the first day of spring is a safety hazard and will quickly get any crew behind schedule.
Relieve the tension on the belts and check each pulley for a smooth rotation and quiet bearings, then replace and lube as necessary.
Then, check the blades on the mower.
A new set of blades or even just a re-sharpening will restore a precise, clean cut.
It is amazing the difference in greens cut by a fresh blade as compared to a dull blade.
During the course of a year, most engines should have an oil change every 25-50 hours.
Even if the schedule does not call for a change, make sure to have fresh oil in the engine as it sits over the winter.
Use an air hose to clean off radiator coils and cooling fins.
Use fuel stabilizer to winterize all used turf equipment.
Clean off all electrical connections and attach batteries to a trickle charger.
Check tires for any leaks and fill them back up, uneven tire pressure will result in uneven cuts.
These maintenance tips are designed to keep your used Toro or any mower in the best condition once the new season hits and to protect your investment for years to come.

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