Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

What Should You Do In Filing a Slip And Fall Claim?

Burbank Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers

Slip and fall accidents can happen at any time and any place. Even if you try your hardest to protect yourself at all times, there would be times when you've let down your guard that you'd slip, trip, or fall. Americans in general are vulnerable to the ill effects of slips and falls as it is the leading cause of unintentional injuries in the country. The National Safety Council, in its NSC Injury Facts 2011 report has said that slips and falls account for more or less 8.9 million visits of Americans to the emergency department. The report has further revealed that people, aged 55 and older, are the most susceptible to injuries brought about by slipping and falling. What is bothering is that elderly people aged 65 and older are four times more likely to be victims of fall deaths among all the age groups. You probably had a friend or relative that fell and got injured or killed. The NSC report says that 25,000 people died in 2009, making slips and falls the second leading cause of unintentional deaths. This very serious issue needs your attention badly so further accidents can be prevented.

If you or any of your friends or relatives slipped and fell and you believe that it happened because of the negligence of another person, you can file a personal injury claim. Under the country's tort laws, a person's negligent actions, or the lack of it can make him or her responsible for whatever injuries that it may cause others. Under such law, the negligent party must pay damages to their victims. All that one needs to do is hire Burbank slip and fall accident lawyers to help them prepare and file a personal injury claim.

Slip and Fall Attorney in Burbank, California

Slipping and falling can get you badly injured. Being injured, you will need to see a doctor, have yourself treated and subject yourself to medication. Health services nowadays are not at all affordable. Add the fact that these injuries are going to be additional expenses that you will be forced to pay for even if somebody else has caused it. If this happens to you, make sure that you file a personal injury claim to make those negligent people liable for all of the inconveniences that such injuries have caused you.

When filing a personal injury claim, you should first have yourself checked by a physician to determine the injuries that you need to treat. You will also have to tell the owner of the property and let them know about the accident so you can obtain from them a report about what happened. You should also take photographs of the place and document important information about the incident. Take note of things like the date and time when the accident happened, the condition of the place so you could present these to the liable party or parties involved. You would also need to get witnesses to back your statements up so you should collect these witnesses' names, addresses, as well as their phone numbers. You also have to preserve other important pieces of evidence like the articles of clothing you wore, even the shoes that you were on when the accident happened. Finally, you should look for a slip and fall attorney in Burbank who is knowledgeable of the many statutes of limitation in filing such claims in the area. While there are a lot of lawyers whom you can contact to ask for advice and help, there are lawyers that specialize in a particular field.

Top Personal Injury Attorney in Burbank

When it comes to slips and falls, you need an attorney that can best represent your case to the courts. That is why any lawyer won't do. You need to pick the one that has the skills and knowledge about the laws. These kinds of legal representatives can come up with a compelling case that can be presented to the courts or during the mediation of your complaint. As a victim in this situation, you deserve nothing but the best and top personal injury attorney in Burbank. This way, you can avenge the things that have happened to you.

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