Health & Medical Muscles & Bones & Joints Diseases

Knee Vmo Exercises

    Determine VMO Health

    • Prior to starting an exercise program for the VMO, you need to make sure that it is contracting properly. If it isn't you may increase risk of injury to your knee. To test your knee and VMO function, sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Roll a towel up and place it under the knee in question. Press your knee on the towel attempting to straighten the leg as much as possible. Hold the side of your knee in your hands. You should feel a contraction. If you do this area is still healthy and able to exercise. If not, refrain from activity. If you have any questions or concerns, check with a medical professional for a professional assessment.


    • Before you can do solid strength training, you need to establish that the muscle has the stamina to withstand stress. Sit on a chair with your knees bent and feet on the ground. Find the VMO on the inner side of the knee with your fingers. Straighten the knee slowly, extending it in front of you. The VMO should contract and remain contracts as you straighten the knee and bring it back down in contraction. You should do this activity two times each day until you are able to hold a strong contraction for ten repetitions.

    Strength Exercises

    • Remember that you are attempting to improve the stability of the knee and prevent further injury based on weakness. If you are injured start slowly and be aware of pain and loss of balance. Do a lunge from a split stance by bending the knee while stepping forward letting your back knee drop down. Work your way up to twenty repetitions. A squat against a wall also helps focus the workout to the VMO. Make sure your shins are vertical with your knees bending down to a right angle to the floor with your toes pointing forward. You can also squeeze a football that is placed behind the knees.

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