Business & Finance Outsourcing

How to Become a Successful Virtual Assistant

About ten years ago, no one had ever heard of a virtual assistant (VA) or working from home.
As the economy and corporate culture changed, more corporations started to look to ways they could save on their bottom line by outsourcing their operational activities over to a virtual assistant.
It used to be that a secretary or an administrative assistant would take dictation, type up reports, schedule travel arrangements and meetings, keep the coffee on, and answer the phones.
Now however, corporations are looking for virtual assistants that can provide a wide array of services.
Let's see if I can give you some examples.
Now, a good virtual assistant needs to know how to write effectively so they can comment on blogs, social marketing sites and forums; write articles and press releases; develop and manage blog sites and websites; be successful at Internet marketing and affiliate marketing; manage search engine optimization (SEO); plus all the duties of reporting, answering phones, emails, etc.
Sounds busy, doesn't it? What is one to do? 1) Read.
Read as much as you can and learn anything and everything you can to become a valuable VA to your clients.
You don't have to spend a lot of money to get information; you can read blogs and forums in the same areas of expertise that you will offer.
There is still plenty of information on the Web that is free for the searching.
Even check out libraries - both online, as well as your local library.
2) Take classes.
Again, you can take classes on the Web or through local colleges or high schools.
Just be careful when you're looking on the Web.
Check out companies with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) if you are in the United States or Canada or other highly-recognized consumer protection agencies before you put down any funds to invest in classes.
Remember - if an offering sounds too good to be true, proceed with caution and enter at your own risk.
3) Don't be afraid to ask questions.
Many people are very happy to answer your questions - many of them pause to remember that they used to be in your shoes at one time.
4) Be open to accepting change and be flexible.
Don't get so set in your ways that you become entrenched in doing the same old things without taking the time to step out of the box and open the door to new opportunities.
What does all this mean? Being a virtual assistant can be exciting and rewarding at the same time.
It's a lot of hard work but that work will pay off when you look back and stop to realize how successful you have become.
Learn all you can but take it in stages.
It's okay to specialize in one or two skills.
Be good at what you do.
Then as you become more confident, build on your skills.
Look for ways to tie your skills into new areas of interest.
If I had to give one piece of advice on how to become a successful virtual assistant, I would say never give up learning.
Take each day a step at a time and challenge yourself to learn new skills.
Learning is priceless.
Realize that you won't be A successful virtual assistant over night; it takes time.
Don't give up - you can do it! What are you waiting for?

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