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Getting Car Insurance for Your Salvage Car

Getting car insurance for any vehicle is necessary and is a way of life if planning to drive a car on U.S. roads. But does insuring a once salvage vehicle affect car insurance. The answer plan and simple is if you are planning to get car insurance for a salvage car then yes, your insurance will be affected.

It is necessary when looking at purchasing car insurance to disclose every known fact about a vehicle. This includes if the car being insured was a salvage car. That being said you will have to jump through some hoops after disclosing this information to an insurance agent. Most insurance agencies after finding out this information will require a letter from a mechanic attesting to the road worthiness of the vehicle, pictures of the previous damage, pictures of how the damage was repaired, and the vehicle with salvage title. After this information is presented expect that you will receive a higher premium quote than a regular vehicle. But after getting the insurance go about getting the salvage title removed and getting a regular title for your vehicle. This can be done by having the vehicle inspected by your local state inspection station. Once your vehicle has passed the inspection, take your inspection paperwork to your local DMV and prove that the vehicle is not a salvage vehicle any more. Once proved the DMV will re-issue a free and clear title that will be clear of the salvage title. Present this new title to the insurance agency to try to get a rate decrease.

Car insurance agencies are in the business of making money, not losing it to vehicles that were devalued in major accidents. Let's say for example that a salvage car gets into another major accident and how would the insurance company know what was previous damage and what is new. So, in these cases the insurance companies may refuse to honor a insurance contract if they suspect that the insurance holder has not told them that the salvage vehicle was in a previous accident.

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