Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Choose A Natural Face Wash That Contains Few Ingredients

Buying a natural face wash might or might not be a good idea.
It all depends on the ingredients it contains.
Here are a few things that you might not know about cleansers and other cosmetics.
Many people don't even realize that facial cleansers are classified as cosmetics.
They think they should be grouped with other products designed for good hygiene.
In the US and many other countries, they are classified as cosmetics.
Shampoos, conditioners and skincare products of all kinds fall into the same category as hair dye and makeup.
The same regulations apply to all of those products, what regulations there are, that is.
The cosmetic industry as a whole is poorly regulated.
It was only in recent years that scientists learned that chemicals in cosmetics could penetrate through the skin, enter the bloodstream and possibly do long-term damage to our bodies.
Some doctors and traditional healers had suspicions hundreds and even thousands of years ago.
They had noticed that handling certain materials could cause symptoms of poisoning, just as they would if the poisons were ingested.
What does all of this have to do with a natural face wash? Several things, the first is that the term "natural" is not legally defined.
It has been necessary to sue some companies to get them to stop using the term after consumer protection researchers found that many of the ingredients were synthetic.
The second thing is that naturally occurring ingredients are not necessarily safe.
Lead and mercury are naturally occurring compounds.
They are also hazardous heavy metals that cause poisoning when ingested.
They build up in the body's cells and organs if they enter the bloodstream.
Independent evaluations have shown that some lipsticks and other cosmetics are contaminated with lead.
A product that is really a natural face wash might contain essential oils.
If the concentration is too high, the oils can cause adverse reactions.
People with perfume allergies will react to essential oils in practically the same way they react to synthetic fragrances.
Now you are probably wondering what you should do.
The answer is simpler than you think.
Read the label of ingredients.
Choose products that contain only a few ingredients, not a long list of them.
Some of the best naturally occurring compounds for cleansing include clay extracts and active manuka honey.
The clay extracts are only recommended for use on an occasional basis.
If used too often, they can cause excessive dryness.
Active manuka honey has antibacterial and antioxidant benefits.
It is much better for the environment than triclosan, which is what you will find in most antibacterial soaps.
Antioxidants can help delay and possibly reverse the visible signs of aging.
You will get more benefits from antioxidants in a leave-on facial moisturizer than from a natural face wash, because the cleanser is rinsed down the drain.
There's no reason to invest too much money in daily cleansers.
The simpler ingredients are usually the least expensive and the safest.

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