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RS: Are there any guest artists or guest vocalists on the project?
Uberzone: Surprisingly, it's very sparse. I had a girl named Melissa come in and do some vocals and these tracks turned out to be pretty pop-oriented tracks, so I've decided to split that up into separate projects which I don't have a name for yet, but there's a couple of samples that are still being used throughout the record from her.
Aside from that, there really is no other collaboration on the record. I really wanted to take this one back to my studio and return to what the project was all about in the first place.
RS: So this project is just you in your head on your own, are you going to do any more collaborations in the future?
Uberzone: Definitely. With the Uberzone record, it was very important for me to reestablish the sound but I do really enjoy working with other artists. I came up with the concept of doing the next record which is going to be called Versus with me versus many, many other producers - all of my contemporaries and some surprise artists thrown in there as well. That's going to be a kind of interesting album too.
RS: When shall we be expecting that in the stores?
Uberzone: I'm hoping for next Spring, so about a year.
RS: Can you name any names on there?
Uberzone: All the people I've talked to that I'm hoping I'll get on there already, of course Renne Pilgrem has been a long time collaborator of mine and we get along well in the studio.
I'd like to track with Adam Freeland, Sash, DJ Dan and the Hybrid boys - a lot of the people that I've been running with in the last ten years and I'm hoping to make all these things come to fruition.
RS: From the future, let's go back. Any plans with your back catalogue?
Uberzone: The back catalogue's been sort of sitting around for a while and it's not up online anywhere so I'm going back to the original masters and doing all the re-masters of everything from the Bots up to Too Cool For School. It's going to be posted up online on Beatport and all the other download services soon.
RS: Your latest single came out on a double vinyl pack, are a lot of the breaks DJs still playing vinyl?
Uberzone: Yes. Vinyl has has slowed own a lot but there is still a demand for it, particularly in the UK and through Europe, so we're definitely going to plan on doing the vinyl releases as well.
RS: What are you listening to these days?
Uberzone: That's a funny question because I've always felt like you're a product of your environment whether you want to be or not, and that's probably one of the things that I may have gotten in trouble with in the past. I'm such a music fan that I'd start off with a hip-hop record like an older one by Tribe Called Quest, and then I'll go to an old Sex Pistols record, then some Autechre or Orbital, and then Dean Martin. I go all over the musical board and dig music of all sorts. In the last couple of years I've liked Plaid, Air, and Brazilian Girls. Then, breakbeat wise, all my contemporaries from Adam Freeland to Rennie Pilgrem to the Stanton Warriors.
RS: How do you keep up with the music out there? Do you use MySpace and the networking sites to reach out to your fans a lot?
Uberzone: I was a little late getting into the MySpace game but I started my page last year and now there's the Uberzone group as well on MySpace too. I put up all my announcements, dates, release plans, and all that sort of stuff on there. The new website's coming as well with a big redesign.
RS: Do you see MySpace and the web becoming a way for you to reach your fans where the label system is not as important?
Uberzone: I've just done this new deal with Nitrus where I have my imprint called Equation. They have great distribution through Universal and Gary, the label owner, is very progressive in the way the he addresses the industry, and he's changed with the times and we're doing everything in concert. He has his MySpace page as well and we're really trying to think outside the box and come with a different angle with the new school way of looking at stuff. So it's been a really good fortune to wind up working with him because I think he sees things the same way that I do, and we've gotten out of the old school machinery and the old way of doing things. We still have a great distribution for the CDs but we're both like-minded when it comes to the way that we're going to present the project via the internet.
RS: Is there anything you'd like to say to all your fans out there?
Uberzone: Just thank you so much for the support for all the years. I may kind of drop off the radar here and there but I'm always thinking about the places that have supported me and wanting to get back out and play for you guys and release some good records!