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Article Learning to Use Wordpress - A Beginners Guide

A website is a window to the world for any business since traditional and conventional styles of marketing are no longer in vogue. A site conveys all relevant information that makes a visitor aware of the products and services on offer. Optimizing a site to make it more visible on the Internet by increasing search engine rankings should be the objective of any business. An exclusive SEO article will delve into all the intricacies linked to this goal. But that is not the purpose here. Only a specific facet of content will be taken up.

Blogs are an important factor in search engine optimization. These are generally well researched, authoritative and reliable write-ups on a wide range of subjects. If such blogs can be linked to your site, it will draw more visitors. Backlinks created here will divert traffic to your site, resulting in increased exposure and conversions and an exponential rise in business growth. When search engine robots find that there is increased activity around your site, it has a positive impact leading to increased search engine rankings.

Since blogs play such an important role, it is natural that it will be an integral part of any SEO article. And this is where WordPress comes into the picture. It is one of the most admired tools by bloggers due to its ease of operation, user-friendly features and adaptability at customization. These are the reasons why learning to use wordpress is so crucial. Installing WordPress software is very easy. Go to a hosting site, find the software icon, fill up a few installation fields and you are ready to go. The dashboard will show up and it is here that everything can be tailor-made to suit your needs.

The title, content, tags, categories and all pertinent information about the blog can be entered in the “post page” section and then published. A theme is a crucial factor in a WordPress blog and as a website owner, you would want to have a beautiful one to attract visitors. Plugins are a lifeline to Wordpress blogs and this is essential in learning to use wordpress.

A few examples will best illustrate this point. Plugins like CommentLuv permit others to leave comments on your blog, Askimet filters out spammers from posting comments and Sociable is used to add blog posts or articles to up to 99 social bookmarking sites at the click of a button. Plugin Google XML Site Maps helps to have your site correctly indexed by search engines and the SEO Pack inserts titles, Meta descriptions and keywords in every page, thus optimizing the site. No plugins need be permanent. The section on the sidebar enables you to check the current ones, update them or suspend and delete them fully. After all, when you are learning to use wordpress, there are more than 30,000 plugins to choose from.

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