Levels Of Public Liability Insurance Increasing
For years businesses have maintained low levels of Public Liability Insurance, keen to minimise premiums, often at the advice of their broker. Now many of these businesses are at risk because they have not increased their Public Liability limits of indemnity in line with changes to their business and changes in society. Insurance Brokers should now consider advising their clients to increase limits to more appropriate levels.
Public Liability Insurance is designed to cover claims of injury to third parties or damage to their property, therefore it makes sense that the level of cover should meet the maximum possible level of claim. 1m is a common level of cover and might sound like a lot of money but with changes in legislation claims are becoming more expensive and 1m no longer goes far.
When purchasing Public Liability Insurance businesses should discuss in detail with their Insurance Broker what their business entails, therefore selecting a level of cover based upon risk. Therefore if a business carries out high risk activities or exposes large numbers of people or considerable property to risk then more Public Liability will be required.
The electrical contracting industry has recently taken note of the increased risks and by regulation all electricians working on domestic properties must now have at least 2m Public Liability. Local Authorities are also becoming more aware of the risk to their people and properties and will generally not employ sub-contractors with less than 5m Public Liability. Large properties such as tower blocks, stadiums and hospitals will have at least 10 Public Liability Insurance of their own and insist upon similar for contractors on site. The recent oil spill at BP"s Deepwater Horizon oil rig has shocked some in the oil industry to consider limits of 10bn.
Public Liability Insurance Brokers should now seek to advise their clients to review their Public Liability limits of indemnity. Businesses should not be reluctant to consider increasing their cover through fear of increased premium, in most cases increasing from 1m to 2m to 5m to 10m will show only a small rise in premium for a huge increase in protection.
If you would like more information on Public Liability Insurance from an independent insurance broker contact Sutcliffe & Co or visit http://www.sutcliffeinsurance.co.uk/
Public Liability Insurance is designed to cover claims of injury to third parties or damage to their property, therefore it makes sense that the level of cover should meet the maximum possible level of claim. 1m is a common level of cover and might sound like a lot of money but with changes in legislation claims are becoming more expensive and 1m no longer goes far.
When purchasing Public Liability Insurance businesses should discuss in detail with their Insurance Broker what their business entails, therefore selecting a level of cover based upon risk. Therefore if a business carries out high risk activities or exposes large numbers of people or considerable property to risk then more Public Liability will be required.
The electrical contracting industry has recently taken note of the increased risks and by regulation all electricians working on domestic properties must now have at least 2m Public Liability. Local Authorities are also becoming more aware of the risk to their people and properties and will generally not employ sub-contractors with less than 5m Public Liability. Large properties such as tower blocks, stadiums and hospitals will have at least 10 Public Liability Insurance of their own and insist upon similar for contractors on site. The recent oil spill at BP"s Deepwater Horizon oil rig has shocked some in the oil industry to consider limits of 10bn.
Public Liability Insurance Brokers should now seek to advise their clients to review their Public Liability limits of indemnity. Businesses should not be reluctant to consider increasing their cover through fear of increased premium, in most cases increasing from 1m to 2m to 5m to 10m will show only a small rise in premium for a huge increase in protection.
If you would like more information on Public Liability Insurance from an independent insurance broker contact Sutcliffe & Co or visit http://www.sutcliffeinsurance.co.uk/