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Who Is a Legal Advisor?

Legal advisor play a vital role in any organization. Though we know that business sector is amplifying at very fast pace but the growth has led to increase in legal complications as well. Here, judicial advisor is the one who handles the legal transactions of the clients.A legal advisor falls under the category of Lawyers. He may specialize in a single field or can practice broadly in many areas of law. Since, a legal advisor being a Lawyer studies constitution, regulations, ordinances, statues of judicial bodies to determine the consequences of the cases.
He also represents his clients in court or before government agencies. He confers with specialists to establish the bases of legal proceedings. They gather evidences by interviewing clients and witnesses to formulate defense. According to the interviews and information collected, develop strategies and arguments to present the cases. A lawyer also prepares legal briefs and files appeal in state and federal courts. They argue motions, meet with judges and question witnesses during the course of a trial.

They interpret laws and regulations for the businesses and individuals and accordingly determine suitability of defending or prosecuting lawsuit. They advise clients regarding business transactions, legal complications and obligations that an organization is liable to expose. His work is not only confined to representing the cases of the clients in courts but also is responsible for protecting the organization from getting involved in any unnecessary illegal complications. Before an organization ties up with the other, initially the documents are studied by the legal advisor who tells about the pros and cons of signing the particular document. They also claim liability and supervise legal assistants.He helps the clients in negotiating settlements of civil disputes. The cases are summarized and represented in court for trial by legal advisors. They draft legal documents such as deeds, will, patent applications, mortgages, leases and contracts. Legal advisor is a person who confers wills, represents and advice executors and estates. He may act as trustee, agent, guardian, or executor of businesses of individuals. He examines for public and other legal records to write opinions or establish ownerships. He presents evidence to defend clients in civil and criminal litigation.He works in an environmental law, representing public interest groups, waste disposal companies, or construction firms in their dealings with federal agencies. Their main aim is to administer and manage functions related to the practice of law.

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