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The Most Up To Date Teeth Whitening Information

We hope that this teeth whitening information will help in deciding which method is best for you. With constant brushing, as we age, the enamel of our teeth develops mini cracks or scratches. The cracks in the enamel, which are the porcelain-like protection that covers the tooths dentin, gather debris and stains, thus making your teeth lose their luster and look dull, having a tint of either yellow or brown. The stains may come from constant smoking or from drinking tea, coffee, or cola. Due to this, a large number of people turn to teeth whitening, also known as tooth whitening, in hopes of getting those pearly whites back.
Teeth Whitening versus Teeth Bleaching
Teeth whitening is basically bringing back the tooths original color, which is usually done by the elimination of the debris and dirt that has accumulated over the years. It can actually change the color of the teeth. Teeth bleaching is a popular method using oxidizing agents like carbamide peroxide that reacts with your saliva to become hydrogen peroxide. There are, though, some teeth whitening products that actually use hydrogen peroxide. However, there are some teeth whiteners that do not change the actual color of your teeth; they just lift the dirt and discoloration away from the enamels surface so that the solution can fill in the cracks.
Teeth Whitening Products
Most teeth whitening products that do not use the principle of teeth bleaching remove the debris from the tiny cracks of the enamel to bring back the original color of your teeth. Most toothpaste products have tooth whitening elements like silica or calcium carbonate in them that removes stains, scrubbing the food stains out of the cracks. Unfortunately, it takes a while before these teeth whiteners have visible effect. Also, when you brush the stain away from the cracks, as soon as you eat, the stains come right back. There is a large volume of teeth whitening information on the internet relating to over the counter teeth whitening products. For ease of use and availability and cost effectiveness, these teeth whitening products are very popular.
Teeth Bleaching Products
Teeth bleaching can be done either at home or in the dentists chair. If you have deep intrinsic teeth stains, then it may be best to have your teeth bleaching in the office of your dentist. The dentist will usually use a teeth whitener that has 15% to 35% hydrogen peroxide. Together with the application of this tooth whitening agent, an accelerator is used, like a laser or a light. The in-office procedures are usually very expensive, but since it is professionally done, this teeth whitening procedure offers a very obvious change of color.
Teeth bleaching can also be done at home either by buying whitening kits from your dentists office, or you can buy them over the counter. Tooth whitening products actually help achieve the best long-term results as you are able to use the product on a more frequent basis. Moreover, its cheaper than a dentist visit. Some examples of these teeth whiteners are the 35% Carbamide Peroxide Gel System or the 22% Carbamide Peroxide Gel System. Before choosing either method, you should ask your dentist for more teeth whitening information.
For more articles and tips on teeth whitening information visit

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