Health & Medical Anti Aging

6 Things That Stop Aging

Today we are lucky as science has shown the reasons for aging as well as the methods to stop or slow it.
But your efforts to stop aging must start with a healthy lifestyle.
A body that is well nourished from both inside and outside will look years younger.
You can always go under the surgeon's knife to accomplish it; but that process is not only costly but have serious side effects as well.
That is why it is always better to use natural methods to stop aging than going the surgical way.
Here are some of them: 1.
Exfoliate: One of your tools to stop aging is the simple process of exfoliation.
You can use anything from a facial scrub to just a plain washcloth and home-made cleanser to remove dead cells from your face and body and clear out your pores.
But remember to choose the exfoliated depending on your skin tone and make it a part of your overall anti-aging treatment to stop aging.
Also it is best to exfoliate only once or twice in a week and not more than that.
Sunscreen: The ultra-violet rays of the sun harms your skin to a great degree.
That is why a sunscreen with minimum SPF30 should be in your arsenal to stop aging.
Wear it routinely everyday, even if you are out for just an hour or two.
Just intermittent sun exposure is one of the leading reasons behind premature aging skins.
Using a sunscreen with moisturizer containing Vitamin C or E is better than plain sunscreen.
These vitamins help in preventing free radicals that cause your skin to age 3.
Moisturizer: As we age, our skin looses its natural oils and start drying up.
That is why, to stop aging you have to regularly moisturize your skin.
So make sure your anti-aging routine includes a light moisturizer for day and a heavier one for night.
For the former, choose those that have anti-oxidants like Vitamin C and for the latter choose those with hyaluronic acid and Vitamin E.
Cleaners: Don't forget the next golden step to stop aging -- cleansing.
Along with moisturizing, it should become a daily ritual especially before going to bed.
But for best results, you have to choose a cleaner that is perfect for your skin type.
Also avoid those products that have ingredients that dry your skin like benzyl peroxide.
Instead look for ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids and alpha lipoic acid while shopping for your cleanser.
Retinoid: It is one of the actually proven products that can stop aging! It will vastly reduce the signs of aging from your skin.
However it is a prescribed skin treatment and derived from Vitamin A.
If you have prematurely aging skin, it will not only stop aging, but will reverse it as well.
You will need to use it at least thrice a week but cautiously as it can cause irritation to even non-sensitive skins.
Vitamins: Vitamins are present in our diets naturally; but to stop aging they may not be adequate.
That is why you will need supplements like calcium, magnesium and vitamins tablets like vitamin D and a multivitamin.

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