Fundamentals of Root Canal Treatment:
Root canal therapy (RCT), also known as endodontic therapy, is a name that gives many patients shivers. Dental surgeons advise them to have this procedure in order to increase the life of the tooth. Although, the name seems to be threatening for many, but in reality it is not as dangerous as people think. To retain the original teeth and also to ensure the functionality of a healthy tooth, it is recognized as the best dental procedure.
As a part of Root Canal Treatment (RCT), damaged or diseased pulp of tooth is eliminated and the inner areas of the tooth such as pulp chamber and root canals are filled and closed.
Why would you need RCT?
RCT is needed for two primary reasons: first, infection and second damage to tooth pulp. Let's understand these two reasons in brief:
Pulp infection- An untreated cavity (also called dental cares are the small holes in tooth, which causes tooth decay), is a common cause of pulp infection. This infection deteriorates the enamel bone until it reaches the root canal. As a result of this, it gives free environment to bacteria to grow, and reduces the blood supply, which keeps the pulp from healing. At this stage, even the use of antibiotics cannot help to get rid of pain and stop infection.
Damage- Moving toward the second reason of having this therapy, damage to the pulp. Fracture in the dental structure can damage the soft & sensitive tissues lying in the dental cavity that contain nerves, lymph and blood vessels. When the damage reaches to a level that cannot be fixed, RCT comes into play.
Symptoms that show a person must go for RCT are classified as-
1. Noticeable to an individual: Usually the constant pain, swelling around the tooth, pain after chewing or consuming cold things are the most common symptoms that can be noticed.
2. Symptoms only noticeable to dentist: Signals that reflect a severe problem within the nerves that supplies blood to them are, generally discovered during a dental check-up and hard to be noticed by an individual without the help of a dentist.
The doctor would begin this procedure by giving local anesthesia.
A flat sheet of rubber (known as rubber dam), is placed in the mouth in order to stop the mixing fluids from saliva. Then, the dentist with the help of an aerotor prepares the cavity.
Not all the contents of the pulp chamber are removed and special root canal files are used to properly clean the root.
Once the canals are cleaned completely, they are filled with a sealer cement and gutta percha in order to prevent bacteria to enter the tooth in the future.
As a part of Root Canal Treatment (RCT), damaged or diseased pulp of tooth is eliminated and the inner areas of the tooth such as pulp chamber and root canals are filled and closed.
Why would you need RCT?
RCT is needed for two primary reasons: first, infection and second damage to tooth pulp. Let's understand these two reasons in brief:
Pulp infection- An untreated cavity (also called dental cares are the small holes in tooth, which causes tooth decay), is a common cause of pulp infection. This infection deteriorates the enamel bone until it reaches the root canal. As a result of this, it gives free environment to bacteria to grow, and reduces the blood supply, which keeps the pulp from healing. At this stage, even the use of antibiotics cannot help to get rid of pain and stop infection.
Damage- Moving toward the second reason of having this therapy, damage to the pulp. Fracture in the dental structure can damage the soft & sensitive tissues lying in the dental cavity that contain nerves, lymph and blood vessels. When the damage reaches to a level that cannot be fixed, RCT comes into play.
Symptoms that show a person must go for RCT are classified as-
1. Noticeable to an individual: Usually the constant pain, swelling around the tooth, pain after chewing or consuming cold things are the most common symptoms that can be noticed.
2. Symptoms only noticeable to dentist: Signals that reflect a severe problem within the nerves that supplies blood to them are, generally discovered during a dental check-up and hard to be noticed by an individual without the help of a dentist.
The doctor would begin this procedure by giving local anesthesia.
A flat sheet of rubber (known as rubber dam), is placed in the mouth in order to stop the mixing fluids from saliva. Then, the dentist with the help of an aerotor prepares the cavity.
Not all the contents of the pulp chamber are removed and special root canal files are used to properly clean the root.
Once the canals are cleaned completely, they are filled with a sealer cement and gutta percha in order to prevent bacteria to enter the tooth in the future.